You Don’t Support the WNBA.
It’s boring, it’s overhyped it’s low hanging fruit and it’s not going anywhere. Critics are going to say I’m talking about the WNBA, but they’re dead wrong. I’m talking about and to the fake supporters who use the WNBA, woman’s sports and sexism in general for “clout.” Why else will someone “justifiably” announce the pay disparities between the NBA and WNBA and not want to do anything to narrow the gap? “To bring awareness” to an issue without good faith actions to follow is the dumbest form of “activism.” I can spread awareness of safe sex practices but if I’m not actually doing my part, what’s the point? I can talk about the importance of healthy living, but if I’m not doing the work myself, what is the point?
“WNBA fans” who don’t even watch a game, let alone repost a clip from a game, explain yourself. I always say the cheapest forms of activism is giving your undivided attention to the people you’re advocating for. Most of the time that just means a listening ear or providing a platform for the voiceless to be heard. In the case of the WNBA, it simply means to watch a game and listen to the women when they speak, but you can’t even do that. The WNBA League pass is currently fifteen dollars a year. It was seventeen dollars when I first signed up for it back in 2018. A two dollar drop in the last four years, yet you can’t make the purchase? If money ain’t a thing to you, what’s stopping you from putting money where your mouth is? Netflix seems to raise their prices annually and the general consensus seems to be the quality is not worth the continuous price hikes yet you still keep your monthly (not yearly) subscription active for Netflix and other streaming services you deem aren’t always worth the cost.
Here goes lowly ol WNBA League Pass. Beautiful, smart, talented, hardworking and docile. Did I mention she got her own money? All that she asks of you is to be a person of your word and love her properly. You can’t even do that because how you look when you push people to support women means more to you than actually supporting women. I’m far from what you may call a “feminist” but at least I’m real. That means a lot more to me than an performative tithe I can give.
Message to the WNBA.
Stop allowing yourself to be used by bad faith actorvist simply because you don’t want to bite the hands of your supposed “allies.” These people don’t care about woman’s sports, sports in general, your struggle or the fight for equal pay. They care about what makes them look good so they can capitalize off of it. I would truly love to see WNBA players come forth and call out these soulless weirdos for their pump faking, but sadly they won’t because even “fake love” is better than not getting any love.
Sign up for WNBA League Pass here
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