White Supremacy Always Gets What It Wants.
Jake Angeli is a known white nationalist with videos and tattoos to prove it. He’s currently in prison right now and refused to eat because the prison he’s in doesn’t make or supply organic food. Jake Angeli is not only a viking hat wearing racist, he’s an organist (not that he plays the organ, not to my knowledge) I mean he only eats organic food, the only redeemable trait about him. Why am I writing about this? Because every chance I get to expose the double-standards and inequality here in America, I’m taking the shot. Even in prison, white supremacist are treated with care and concern. Something most prisoners don’t get. I know one of Angeli’s Angels will say “they have to feed him or else the prison gets in trouble.” Since when did the American prison industry care about the dietary wants and needs of the inmates? People in prison have had their personal request denied for centuries, you think 2021 is when America’s prisons develop a heart? If that were the case, vegan and organic food options would’ve already been the norm in American prisons because Viking Boy is not the first prisoner to make a dietary demand. To reward a whining white supremacist with vegan organic food specifically for him does not give off the message that America cares for it’s citizens, even when in prison, it says that America only care about treating white supremacist like human beings despite the crime they committed or treasonous ideologies. Dylan Roof and Burger King ring a bell? I’d have zero problems with Helmet Head Hoe getting more than he demanded if the rest of the inmates were getting the same food he was. Equality, right? America, right? You can argue prisoners do not have rights or as many rights as people on the outside supposedly have but you’re arguing on the behalf of a prisoner who has a choice in what he eats. Sounds like special treatment for a prisoner who “has no rights.” Why is that? You think any other prisoner who has been there longer than Angelo-saxon has ever had a choice in what they put in their body? Hell, there are trans-women who identify as women put in prisons with men simply because the judge said “fuck your decision and safety,” so why is it this white supremacist gets to have his way and have his choice respected? The answer lies in the questions. Maybe if those trans-women were white supremacist they’d be able to choose which prison they’d go to, might even get their own bathroom. Sadly the majority of trans-women in prison are black and some of them are still labeled male. You already know or should already know how the system feels about black men. You can probably guess correctly how that system view black trans-women. Before the Angels of Hell come treading on me, I know not all trans-women are thrown in male populated prisons, but far too many are. Look up “Cece McDonald” find other cases just like hers.
What I will present to you is some science behind the correlation of food and crime. “Criminologist have largely ignored disturbed behavior. Like alcohol or drugs, or ordinary foods or lack of them can alter the mind and unleash criminal behavior.” Shauss in his report also wrote “a substantial body of evidence indicates that diet, toxic metals, food additives, insufficient nutrients, food allergy, lack of exercise can contribute to criminal behavior.” I’ll admit, this was a report written in 1980, so let me give you something a little more recent than the 80’s published on Sunwarrior.com
“In one particular study in 2002, about 230 young adult prisoners were selected to take part in a placebo-controlled trial. As the name implies, half of these prisoners were given placebos and half were given nutritional supplements, so that any effects found could be related to the actual contents of the tablets rather than the act of consuming them. These supplements contained essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals vital for health”
The results that came back were amazing; the prisoners who had been selected to take the supplements had a 36% reduction in disciplinary offenses compared to those taking the placebos! This showed that just by boosting the diet with some good nutrition, behavior could be improved.
In another study, 68 prisoners were selected to have their diet modified. However, this time they were unaware they were taking part in a trial and the diet was altered in secret. Without them knowing, all refined sugar was removed and their behavior was assessed in the following weeks. Again, there was an astonishing result; compared to the 36% reduction in offenses before, this time there was an 80% reduction in experienced behavioral problems! So while boosting vitamins, minerals, and fats had a great effect, the biggest behavior -modifier by far was sugar!
I included this because prisoners are people too and should be viewed as such. They are just much shaped by the things they consume as the rest of the outside world is. I’m not saying people who commit ill-intentioned violent crimes shouldn’t be punished to some capacity. I’m saying there’s something to be said about the food they are given and their mental state. I’m not going to go out on a limb and say the studies between healthy food having positive effects on human beings is 100% applicable for everybody because look at inmate #666 above. That still does not make the studies bogus. There are people who are doing everything the CDC says and still got sick. Doing all the right things doesn’t prevent one from becoming sick, mentally or physically, but it does severely increases your chances of not getting sick. Believe in science, right? It’s not every day I can write about food science and behavioral science, two interest of mine I probably got into in a different universe.
In conclusion, white supremacy continues getting what it wants because the system isn’t going to truly hold itself accountable or to the same standard of living and rules as non-white people, players, pimps and pons. A white supremacist refused to eat what was given to him because the food was not organic and a week later a judge ordered that the prison serve him vegan/organic food. Before you ask, yes they should’ve let him die and I hope he burn in hell.
P.S. Jake Angeli and the others were not arrested because they vandalized a federal building, the state capital, or threatened the lives of federal workers and police officers. They were arrested to avoid an uprising of public scrutiny. Imagine all the wakened minds if none the erectile disfunctionist got away Scott Disick free? The arrest appealed to the masses who still believe there is justice in America’s judicial system.