What’s The Word?

FKA ES Writer
3 min readAug 8, 2024


Photo by Jennifer Marquez on Unsplash

The word of the day is “word curse.”

Shut up, and go to the principal’s office!

Word curses are negative statements or declarations that have a harmful impact on oneself or others. These can be spoken out loud or internally. Word curses often manifest as self-defeating statements like “I’ll never be a successful writer.” Negative predictions like “No matter who wins the election, I’ll still be a broke bitch.” Placing blame (blaming language) like “If Kamala Harris doesn’t win come November, the world will end and it’ll be your fault,” and finally, the most common acknowledged use of word curses, insults/derogatory remarks, like ***** and ***** and my personal favorite s*** my ****.

One would assume as writer I care a lot about the words that I use when in reality I don’t. I write for creative purposes and to express my thoughts. As long as I do that, I’ve done my job as a writer. If I was able to use one word to summarize how I’m feeling about something or to tell a story, I would. That would save me so much time to write more one word stories, play video games and have sex.

But life is not that simple and neither is writing. The concept of word curses have always intrigued me because no matter how much I tried to deny its realness and relevance to me, time and time again life has shown me otherwise. I’ve also witnessed how real and relevant word curses affect the lives of others.

CONTENT WARNING: We’re getting spiritual and a bit “woo woo” here, so if you’re a non-believer and are triggered by the exposure of your non-beliefs, click off now. You’re read enough for it to be counted as a view.

The other day I watched a video by one of my favorite Christian content creators, Rhema Taylor.

Another great video on the wise Queen. She didn’t necessarily introduce me to any new concepts or talking points, but it did inspire me to write this piece. I’ve always heard my favorite spiritual speakers either say exactly what Ms. Taylor said or say that God’s will over powers anybody else’s, even our own. With that in mind, one could say “word curses” aren’t real or are inaffective at the very least. I don’t buy that, completely.

The reason I don’t fully subscribe to that is because God will allow the devil’s curses to fuck you up just to teach you a hard lesson. The lesson being “Put your faith in me, not man, to get things done in your life.” “Stop telling everybody what I have planned for you, goofy,” or “Be mindful of who you tell y(our) plans to.”

Being aware of word curses isn't just about protecting you from others, it’s also about protecting you from yourself. I think it’s worth saying if you’re someone who tends to talk negatively about yourself and you see the power of those words come to fruition, you should know that you have the power to make things out to be the way you desire just by doing the opposite of what you are doing now. This also holds true if you go around seeking the approval of man by telling everybody everything. Not all haters are loud. Not all haters are strangers. Not everybody who disagrees with you is a hater and not every hater is going to greet you with a scowl when they see you.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying don’t share your good news, just practive discernment. Know yourself and know the people in your life, physically and virtually. Word curses are real, but if you believe in a higher power and the God/Source within you, word curses will work in your favor.




FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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