Trump’s Unimpressing Impeachment.
I would’ve loved to have felt the same excitement many other liberals felt the day and time it was announced that the House decided to impeach United States president Donald J. Trump. Also known as “Agent Orange” or my personal favorite (because I made it up) Donald “Duck” Trump. Whatever you call him he’s impeached, but he’s not going anywhere. Shit, he might be the first President of the United States to be impeached and STILL serve not one, but TWO full terms as the President. How is that possible if he is impeached? you ask? A simple vote of impeachment via the House of Representatives IS NOT enough to get U.S. Presidents up out the paint. What must occur is the Senate would have to hold a trial deciding on whether Trump should be removed as President or not, but they can not move forward with said trial without the appropriate articles from House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who hasn’t committed to sending the articles to senate. It is all just hearsay at this point. All talk, no action. Sounds familiar?
This isn’t why I’m unimpressed with the the impeachment, I’m unimpressed because DJT being President didn’t shift my already low viewpoint of America. Shit is still rough out here for black folks, millennials and other groups and sub-groups. Don’t be fooled by my love for writing. I love words, but I love action 100 times more. What are the Democrats planning on doing to fix issues plaguing black America? What are they going to do to fix anyone’s problem, period? Even One of the indignant old white men had it right when mentioned during the hearing that the Democrats had it out for Trump the moment it was announced that he was President of the United States. I believe he said exactly 19 minutes after the news came out the Democrats were coming together to impeach the motherfucker and it seems like that’s the ONLY focal point the Dems have and have had since day one of Trump being in the White House. These are the same losers who have some nerve to get upset with me because I left them for the Green Party, a party about action and change. Not empty promises, tunnel vision and lack of focus.
Don’t get it confused, I’m not waiting on a savior from the Democratic Party or Green Party for that matter. There aren’t any Republican politicians who I can see beating Trump but even if there was one I’m not waiting on them to be my savior. I just want to know what do the Dems plan on doing if the man they once loved actually is removed from the White House. Move on with impeaching Pence? Sure get both of those clowns the fuck up out the paint, but WE THE PEOPLE still have lives to live. We’re still out here struggling to survive. We’re still out here drowning, but you’d rather give our cold, wet, dying hand a high five than a firm grip that’ll pull us out of this damn ever flowing tsunami. You can’t get our votes if we’re dead! You WON’T get my vote without a feasible plan on the issues that I and many others care about. Get it together. Get moving and maybe then I’ll get excited.