The Truth: We Hate To See It (and Hear It).
First and foremost I do not support anti-semitism or propaganda spreading. That goes for both sides of mainstream politics and all sides of anything with multiple sides. I’m confused as to where Nick Cannon is actually guilty of being anti-semitic, though. Calling out the Rothchild’s doesn’t make one anti-semitic. It makes them anti-Rothchild, which I wouldn’t blame anyone for being as long as they’re educated on who they are. It’s funny because it’s “eat the rich” and “there should be no billionaires” until it’s a black man verbally against rich white folks and now it’s “protect the rich” “eat straight black men” I know Nick had Professor Griff, a man who is known by white people as the anti-semite on his podcast, but if we’re going to associate people via who has a conversation with who, I need you to keep that same energy when your fav is photo’d with a pedophile and overall monster because that’s all of your favs, but you won’t and I won’t waste my time and energy waiting for you to keep the same energy.
I’m not a fan of Nick Cannon, I like the guy, but I’m not paying attention to everything he does. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to speak on this issue, because I feel like I must. I feel like this isn’t about him, but more so about myself, other black men and black folks in general. He [Nick Cannon] apologized for his “anti-semitism.” Again, out of all the statements he made, I saw no anti-Jewish remarks from him nor was he wrong about what he said about White People in general. We know the anti-semitic accusations are just a cover-up because white folks got their feelings hurt and they do what they do when they have power and are upset. Truth is white folks have historically conducted themselves in savage like behavior and continue to do so. Truth is a number of those savages were slave owning Jewish devils. Certainly not all of them, but one thing is for certain, they were all white. Need I remind you that it was White people who do what they did to Jewish people hence why I’m 100% for the allyship of Black and Jewish people, but that’ll never happen to the fullest extent if we aren’t keeping it real with one another. What I’m not going to do is be another black face publicly berating Nick Cannon to appease white people in power because they don’t like the truth, but my defense of Nick Cannon ends there. I’m not going to defend a man who now feels his actions are indefensible. Time and and energy, like I said. What I will do is defend my people because everybody else is a protected and rectified to some extent whenever their community is harmed, but not black folks.
What AREN’T Rectifying Acts.
- Painting Black Lives Matter on the street.
- Renaming streets, and other meaningless shit “Black Lives Matter” or after a “safe” black person (Don’t be surprised if you see Angela Davis’ name on things now).
- Black squares.
- Inviting Blue Check Twitter (or Verified trash, is what I like to call them) to speak to white folks beg them to treat us nicely.
- Putting self-serving black women in high positions for the double “woke” aesthetic points. (non-racist or sexist. Bonus points if she’s lesbian).
- Changing your business logo to black and white.
- Passing down disingenuous statements of support written with white letters on a black background.
- Putting “American” after the title “African.”
- Not seeing color.
- Having interracial couples in movies/TV Shows (literally the only people who get excited about that stuff are people who want white acceptance, let’s keep it two Virgils).
What ARE Rectifying Acts.
- Reparations. Jewish folks are getting it, why not black folks?
- Equal Protection Laws that are actually enforced across the board when black folks are a victim of discriminatory crimes, just like those laws are enforced when a member of the LGBT Community is a victim of said crime. Notice how I didn’t say hate crime because I know someone is going to argue “anyone can be a victim of a hate crime.” I know. White people have been committing hate crimes against white people. The Holocaust is one of the many examples of that being true.
- Land. If Natives have their land with their own laws and government, why aren’t black folks getting that when we were promised that in the first place?
- We want what is ours, not handouts and performative acts.
America is not going to do right by black folks and other countries are still trying to get themselves together after America fucked them up, so why would they focus on fixing the issues black Americans have that were started by America and not focus on their own people? I don’t blame any nation for doing that. Our two best options are to stay and fight or go to another black nation, build a life there and fight off European and Chinese imperialism. Moving from one country to another and still fighting doesn’t sound like “the move” to me. Why stay and fight? Because we’ve done so much for this country (America) we might as well take what we are owed. When I say fight, I don’t mean passively begging for respect, I mean us being unapologetically loud, angry and non-conformative until BLACK FOLKS are handled with delicate hands like the Jewish community is. Why? We’ve done more for this country than they have and if you really want more honesty, we’ve done more for this country than any other marginalized group, including the Natives who verily own this land. Needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway, this is not me hating on the other groups that white people mistreat. I’m a firm believer in “my enemies, enemy is my friend” and I know that isn’t always the case, but I’m speaking for myself when I say I’m a friend of the Jewish, LGBT, Native/Indigenous communities. But if I don’t advocate for myself and my people, who else will? Everybody else, marginalized and not has the right to advocate for their people, but when black people do it, it is wrong unless they’re doing it in a way that is dividing black women and black men, and doing that really isn’t advocating for black people as a whole.
God’s and Goddesses.
What I want us to see is all the stops they pull to keep us from knowing our RICH history and our power. Everybody else gets something here and there, except for us? Why is that? I’m not arguing that we should fight until we get something that’s actually feasible then stop the fighting. I’m just asking “woke” folks to actually be that and look at everybody else getting something meaningful while we get painted streets and name changes. The c**ns are going to do what they do, but everyone else (Black) needs to be unafraid. Unafraid of the backlash we’ll get for standing up for ourselves. Unafraid of losing opportunities they only give us to control us. Unafraid to build our own safety nets, no matter how long it takes. Once they are done with the c**ns, they [the sellouts] will come running back to us after seeing what we’ve build for ourselves and start acting like they’ve always been down for the cause. Might hear a bunch of them scream “fuck whitey” in attempt at fooling us to believe that they are really for our people but this isn’t an anti-white movement. This is a pro-black and black only movement. Learn the the difference. We can be pro-black without being anti-everyone else. Everybody else has their self-sustaining agendas, where’s ours?
You don’t have to like the truth, but nothing will change if you’re going to remain in denial about it. Stop masking your insecurity as something anything other than that and deal with the problem. In a healthy, non-genocidal, war mongering type of way. What ADOS (American Descendants Of Savages) need to understand is that the fairytale “live in your truth” liberal world they want for everyone has to include them and they continue to act like the only bad white people in history and present day are Republicans. You can’t build the house of truth when the foundation is layered with lies.