The Right Kind of Black People.
The love for massa is strong, but still wrong -Ernest Sandefer.
I’m admittedly addressing this Mammy (who shall remain nameless) with half-assed research into the points that she was making. I did so because a number of the issues she claimed Biden was going to do for black people aren’t issues just effecting black people. She also ended her mud butt rant with “Biden is doing things for Black people. He just isn’t doing things for YOUR type of black people.” That statement inspired the title and creation of this piece.
One of Ms. Blacks for Biden’s points was student debt. Student debt would benefit black people if Biden’s plan was actually student debt forgiveness for African Americans. It’s not. His “plan” the last time I heard about it was to only cover up to 10 thousand dollars of student debt and once again this idea is not exclusively just for black Americans with student debt. It’s a problem for everyone in America with student debt which is more money than what all of them can afford to pay even if they pulled their money together and tried to make it happen. So how is Biden’s “10K plan” ONLY benefiting black people? It doesn’t benefit anyone who has more than 10 thousand dollars in student debt, black or not. That’s basic math and logic, but I guess when you’re constantly caping for the“Do nothing but platitude Democratic Party” logic isn’t something you’re familiar with.
She brought up other issues that plague ALL Americans and made it seem like Biden’s promises were only made for black folks. Disingenuous or delusional? You be the judge. All I know is I get the feeling she is one of these massa loving black cornballs who will argue against reparations claiming that the Dems already give us (black people) what we want. What she’s subconsciously saying is if black folks just buck dance and toe the blue line and drink the blue Kool-Aid life would be better for us here in America. She see’s all of the “strides” she’s making being another loud aggressive barking lap dog for the Democrats and enjoys the doggy treats, pats on the head and belly rubs. It aint easy being free and having to fend for yourself and your people, but the fight for what is OWED to American descendants of slavery won’t stop because there are sellouts in the way. If you ask Mammy Mae Biden, those of us who fight for reparations and actual tangibles are the wrong type of black people.