So They Tricked You Into Credit Card Debt, Huh?
Feels good to be back. You know what also feels good? Not having credit card debt. I’m not making light of credit card debt or people who have it… unless you’re someone who has it because you’re terribly irresponsible with money.
Know The Game.
The game is dirty. Fact, there are banks and creditors out there trying to get you and everyone else jammed up because they profit off of the outrageous interest rates they charge millions of Americans. I also know what self control is and how to control myself, my money and the money that I borrow (credit). When you think about it credit is just borrowed money and just like borrowing money from a friend you are expected to pay that money back. Difference is most friends don’t charge interest or late fees. Another difference is your friend you borrowed money from IS NOT hoping you DON’T pay them back what you owe. Banks and creditors want you to NOT pay them back on-time so they can charge you interest and get more money from you. Why just take 100 dollars from you when they can take 500 from you for not paying them back on time? Once again, you can borrow $100 from a friend Sunday, promise to pay it back by next Sunday and not pay them back until the 4th of July. The amount you owe that friend will still be 100 hundred, the 100 dollars you borrowed in February. That’s if your friend doesn’t charge interest on late payments. Try that shit with a bank or credit card company. Don’t actually try it. Don’t be another bad statistic. Be smart and understand the game, babey!
Bonus Game.
If you racked up a “hella debt” because you signed up for credit cards your freshmen year of collage, don’t be ashamed. Unfortunately that is a problem you have to take care of, but don’t be ashamed. Shame goes to the vultures who purposely prey on ignorant impressionable young adults who were failed by the school system long before they stepped foot on a collage campus. Take care of that shit, but don’t be ashamed of it. Learn from it and grow. Love you. To any soon to be collage freshmen reading this looking to establish credit PLEASE USE YOUR RESOURCES before signing up for just any card. If you know people with good credit, ask them questions. If you know people with bad credit, ask them questions. You can learn from other people’s mistakes/bad decisions. Why do you think I chose a life of writing instead of a life of crime? I’ve seen first and second hand what that life looked like and what’s in store for those who live that life. I’m good. I’m fine making 9 cents per click on these written Medium pieces. Lastly, use the internet. Do your fucking research AND SAVE YA MONEYZ!
Control Thyself.
Possessing a credit card IS NOT that hard. It could be so damn simple for folks if they’d just didn’t live beyond their means and practice self control. Who likes studying? Seriously, who the fuck likes to study? Sitting down for hours going over the same boring material over and over again. Wouldn’t you rather spend that time doing something else? You don’t blow off your studies to do something fun because of SELF CONTROL! As much as you dislike to study for that micro-biology mid-term coming up you take the time out to do it because you know how important it is. How do you sit and study for that exam if you’re not on Adderall and Red Bull? Through self control! We even practice self control when doing things we don’t hate or dislike. You might actually like your job, but I know there is at least one thing you’d rather spend those hours doing. I love writing, but right now I really want to boot up my PlayStation 4 and finish the rest of “The Last of Us.” The unaccountability loser squad wishes I was wasting away playing video games and not writing this piece right now so they’re not reminded of their shitty ways, but I’m obviously here writing to you because writing is not just a hobby of mine, it is a responsibility. You and I are able to prioritize our responsibilities over simple joy’s because of self control.
Dumb Money Don’t Make No Money. If I Ever Go Dumb, You Can Take My Money!
I’m assuming if you’re reading this you understand the importance of taking care of your responsibilities. Good. This section isn’t for you UNLESS you’re someone in credit card debt because you’re living beyond your means. That’s not the banks fault. There’s a lot of issues with the economy that can be linked to banks. Your materialism, greed and overall trash spending habits is not the banks fault. If you’re someone who took out a credit card or multiple credit cards knowing you couldn’t afford them, you shouldn’t have done it in the first place because using a credit card is almost the same as borrowing money. You shouldn’t borrow money knowing you can’t pay it back. Like I said in Bonus Game, I’m not scolding you if you were a college student duped into “establishing credit.” I’ll say it again, shame on the vultures, but also shame on the idiots. The losers from the unaccountability gang. Those who want to blame anyone they fix their dirty lips up for their problems.
Are You High?
It doesn’t surprise me when I see a bunch of them dirty lip losers blame their bank/creditor for why they have credit card debt. They blamed the increase in their monthly balance… Banks and credit card companies don’t just increase your balance because they thought you looked cute today. They don’t increase your balance because you’ve been a long time customer of theirs. They increase your balance because you have a history of responsible spending AND you’ve paid your bill on time! In other words, all that money you borrowed you paid back within the 30 day limit. You also didn’t spend more money than you were allowed to spend. If you can responsibly do that with a lower balance why can’t you do the same with a higher one? The balance goes up, so does your greed? It’s crazy because I really want to side with “the people” on this one, but in the case of the people’s greed VS the corporations, I’m siding with the corporations. They did not force you to live beyond your means just because they’ve up’d your monthly balance from $200 to $2,000. You’ve leveled up in the game, but the rules don’t change. If you borrow money, you pay them back within 30 days. Don’t matter if you borrowed $200 or $2,000. You are EXPECTED to pay that money back before the due date or else you’re getting charged interest and late fees. That’s the game, babey! Situations like this serves more of as a societal issue than it is one of corporate greed. People Living above their means is an issue the anti-accountability lackeys don’t want to admit to or talk about for obvious reasons I will not share here because time is money. I’m going to end off this post with these kind words; If you’re somebody who has no self-control, DON’T get a credit card. If you know you can’t pay back money you owe from your homie you damn sure can’t pay back a creditor so DON’T get a credit card. If living beyond your means makes you feel good, seek help. And DON’T GET A CREDIT CARD!