No. This Is Not “Fine” (Cuties Review).

FKA ES Writer
9 min readSep 21, 2020


If you’re going to watch this movie watch it on a different VPN. Or watch it on someone else’s device and someone else’s Netflix account. Go head and watch this soft-core child pornography film on your own Netflix account and your own device if you want to, but I highly suggest you cancel your subscription immediately afterward and destroy your device. I’m not one to promote pollution but I’m willing to make an exception to the rule if you threw your phone, laptop, TV, tablet, ipad or computer in the bottom of the ocean after watching “Migonnes” or as we Americans call it, “Cuties.”

Before I explain my thoughts on the film I want to address the people who watched this film or claimed they watch it and approved of it. Y’all are fucking sick. If I know you, you’re being side eyed for life by me and will never allow you to be around my niece. If I don’t know you, don’t get to know me. I don’t need to know anymore pedophiles. I don’t want to know anymore pedophiles. I don’t want to know any pedo’s period. Now that I’ve accepted the fact that I know pedophiles here’s your chance to accept the fact that you are a pedophile.

“I’m not a pedophile because I don’t/haven’t inappropriately touched a child.”

You sat and watched a bunch of 11 year old girls twerk, make sexually provocative gestures with their tongue’s and lips and thought “this is fine.” Listen to me when I say this, you’re a pedophile. Quit the sick semantics. You may not have ever touched a child inappropriately, but you’re co-signing this because you think allowing little girls to to be “free” with their bodies, unsupervised and influenced by the sexually explicit adult content they can view on the internet is letting a kid be a kid. That’s being “progressive” to you. Allowing two (or more) consenting adults no matter their gender or sexual orientation marry one another is being progressive. Allowing little girls to unknowingly or knowingly advertise themselves to pedophiles IS NOT progressive, it’s pedophilia.

“This film.. does… try to make you sexually aroused by 11 year olds, and uh uh, I’ll, I’ll say it’s not bad at it. That’s the whole point of the movie. It’s that you’re supposed to be sitting there thinking.. look at the blonde one. You’re supposed to be sitting there holding these.. two thoughts in your head. One that these are kids and the other that they’re hot.”

This is an actual quote from a YouTuber who approved of the film. I’ll go back and include his name once I get his name. I pulled this quote from someone else’s video that included a clip of him looking dead serious into the camera making this statement. Oh boy, (no pedo) there’s a lot to unpack here. Okay, so for starters people who approve of this child pornography can’t even agree on what the film is about. Here’s a list of justifications I’ve personally seen being made on social media defending “Mignonnes.”

  1. It’s about girls finding their own freedom.
  2. It’s about a black girl from a strict Muslim family wanting to fit in at the predominantly white school she attends.
  3. It’s exposing pedophilia.
  4. You’re sexualizing these girls by telling them they shouldn’t dance and dress like “adults.”
  5. If you watched the movie you’d see it’s not as bad as the poster looks (referring to the American poster for “Cuties”)
  6. It was made in France.
  7. A Black Woman made it.
  8. It was intentionally terrible.
  9. It’s meant to turn you on and be thought provoking at the same time. (I’m paraphrasing pedoman and referring to him as such until I get his name. You’ll see that edit when it happens).

These are just 9 of the most ridiculous responses I’ve read while the last one made by pedoman is one that I heard. The list is in no particular order. They’re all equally trash and disgusting. It’s time for me to do what 11 year old boys who play tackle football do and attack the opposition head first.

It’s about a girl finding her freedom.

Little girls can and do find their sense of individuality without pedo-baiting themselves. You might be someone who was once an 11 year old girl. Did you do what these girls, or the protagonist black girl did in the movie to “find yourself” at 11 years old? I hope the answer is no. Also the same “progressives” who believe this movie is “fine” are the same “progressives” who think 11 year olds and anyone under the age of 21 has the same thinking capability as an adult. Maybe because a lot of them are in their 20s and above and have yet to mature mentally. Whatever the case is, do NOT excuse inappropriate behavior. If these girls were 18+ and thought this was the way for them to get attention then I’d just chop it up as “adults making adult decisions” and you wouldn’t be reading this lengthy rant/review of the soft-core child pornographic film but that’s not the case and because that is not the case you are getting my thoughts on this thing that should not have ever been a thing. STOP EXPECTING CHILDREN TO BE ADULTS BUT THEN EXPECTING THEM TO “RESPECT THEIR ELDERS” WHEN THEY HURT YOUR FRAGILE LITTLE FEELINGS SAYING THE DARNDEST THING ABOUT YOUR FRIED RAINBOW COLORED HAIR, YOUR AWKWARDLY THREADED EYEBROWS, PALE ASS SKIN, YOUR WEIGHT, YOUR UGLY ASS PIERCINGS OR ANYING ELSE THEY MAY HAVE ROASTED YOU ON!


Also Y’all: It’s about a black girl from a strict Muslim family trying to fit in at her predominantly white school.


Also Y’all: It’s about a black girl from a strict Muslim family trying to fit in at her predominantly white school. What’s wrong with that?

I understand religion has its extremes. Islam is no different from the other religions that not only have extremist, but have extremist who use the religion to control girls and women who are part of the religion. I still see the anti-Muslim undertones this porno has. I don’t know all of Maïmouna Douceré’s background, but I know she is a French black woman and apparently that makes this all okay. I’ll get into all of that later on but from what I know she’s not Muslim and because of that this idea of a little girl “stripping” off her oppressor’s clothing and being “free” seems like one of the “benevolent Islamophobic” comments people make about an entire religion based on how that religion is portrayed in “Christian” and Jewish media. But it’s wrong when Donald Trump is blatant with his Islamophbia? “we’re not saying all Muslims are bad. We’re just saying they can be very strict and oppressive people.” Sure, Jan/James. You’re also not saying you are okay with little girls in their underwear and skimpy clothing shaking their butts and making sexual movements with their bodies and mouths, but you’re okay with watching them do it on camera for your entertainment because “it’s liberating.” Got it.

How is this film “fine” to you when you claim to be a champion for black girls/women all over the world. Pedophilia isn’t the ONLY issue this film has. Outside of the terrible writing you have various social issues (like Islamophobia) present in this movie. The black girls in this film were not celebrated for their natural hair or for who they TRULY were before they white washed themselves to fit in with these white girls who have pedo’s in their bloodline, unfortunately. I’m honestly surprised none of the melanated girls stole bleaching cosmetics and doused their skin with it. Would that have been the straw that broke the calf’s back for you? Probably not.

“It’s exposing pedophilia.”

The only pedophilia this child pornographic film is exposing is yours and the French. If this was an attempt at making a message, this was a very terribly written, produced and directed attempt conveying the message that “pedophilia is real and it is a bad thing.” That’s like actually murdering people on film and then claiming the message of the film was “murder is bad.” That’s like actually raping people on film to send the message that “rape is bad, mmkay.” You get my point yet? This film was that bad and explicit with the soft-core child porn. I’m so glad I did not view it on my device or my Netflix account, I’ll tell you that. Much like the other two examples I made, this is disgusting and outright wrong. No way to excuse this. Doing so will breed more pedoman’s out here claiming that this film is both sexually arousing and informative. So child porn is A-Okay as long as you learn from it? Got it.

“You’re sexualizing these girls by telling them they shouldn’t dance and dress like “adults.”

This is that stupid ass, broken reverse psychology shit from people who should’ve had a psych evaluation eons ago. If you like watching children dress and act in ways only adults have the right to do then just say that and sit there while you get your ass beat. This statement has the same energy as “if you don’t talk about racism, it doesn’t exist.” Yeah, because the pedophilia only existed once people started calling it out. It was never there before they watched the film or saw the American cover of it. Got it. You’re not going to guilt trip me into not “kink shaming” your lust of little girls doing shit no little girl should be doing for the approval of adults or each other. Continue reading this rant.

“If you watch the movie you’ll see it’s not as bad as the [American] poster looks.”

No, the actual film isn’t as bad as both the American and French poster looks. It’s worse. THIS MOVIE IS SOFT-CORE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY WITH A STORYLINE! There’s NOTHING else that needs to be said regarding this point.

“It was made in France.”

I know we all know the French have a very sexually liberated culture. That’s admirable ONLY when it comes down to the adults being sexually liberated. Fun fact about France, the age of adulthood there is also 18. That, pedophilia and hating black features are three things France and America have in common, oui-oui. I don’t care if this film was made in Timbuktu or in Principal O’shaughnessy’s Office. Once it reaches American soil it is to abide by America’s laws. Pedophilia is apparently against the law here in America. I’m guessing it is the same in France since their age of adulthood is 18. I don’t care how free France is with their Willy’s and WAPs. THIS SHIT IS STILL SOFT-CORE CHILD PORN! Someone translate that in French for me.

It was made by a Black woman.

I know. And it fucking hurts my soul that I got to tear this black woman apart. It’s going to hurt me even more when I say this, this bitch needs her ass beat. Not just her, Sundance, Netflix, every parent who okay’d their daughters for this, every adult who was in the movie, every adult behind the scenes, every adult who see no problem with this film and last but not least, all of the pedophiles regardless if they had something to do with the film or not. This is my problem with “diversity and inclusion.” Bad things happens when these faux-diversity hires are made. You get these lost buck dancing negroes in these white spaces and they sell their soul just to see a bunch of yellowing teeth and white faces smiling and staring at them. They marvel at the white gaze so much that they’ll do shit they deem inaprehensible in order to appease them. This woman’s arguments went from “it’s a coming of age movie for the protagonist” to “it’s meant to encourage sexual liberation” to “I intentionally made it this bad to expose the pedo’s I work with and in society. Lol, I’m not a pedo or pedo-apologist.” I bet she changed her tune now because she’s seen how the white men she was bending over for aren’t coming to her defense and pretty much have left her soulless body out to be hung publicly. She feels a way about it and it was at that moment Maïmouna knew she fucked up. This notion that we can’t criticize this film because it was made by a black woman and we can’t criticize black women is exactly why this shit was celebrated other than the fact pedos finally felt seen in mainstream media outside of an episode of SVU. Me not liking this movie does not mean I hate black women. I hate this movie. I love black women. I’d still hate this film if it were directed by a non-black woman because I hate pedophilia and I’ve never watched child porn but I know enough about it to know that I hate it. Seeing a world where it is acceptable for little black girls and little white girls to come together to shake their butts and look directly into the camera while licking their lips and flicking their tongue is not the dream this King has.



FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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