Message to All Non-White Ethnic Groups.
There’s the “Feminist Agenda,” the “Gay Agenda,” the “Pro-Black Agenda” and then there’s the “Black Silence Agenda.” I don’t know about you, but I can see it. All in the “black” TV shows and movies. I see it seldomly in “black” spaces on and off the internet from quote on quote, “allies” of the black community. Whenever we are justifiably angry at a world that doesn’t view us as human, we are told that our anger and emotions are due to lack of experience and ignorance and not a byproduct of the over 4 century beating at the hands of white supremacy. The same countries and ideologies that’s battered the communities of those other “people of color.” Before anybody hits me with the don’t nobody have superiority over me, the fact thay you are afraid to acknowledge the concept of white supremacy proves someone very much does have superiority over you. You being afraid to call the system out clearly shows that you’re not that guy, which leads me to my first point, black Americans are brave enough to stand up against white supremacy. Other ethnic groups telling us that we need to travel more because others have it worse is not the sound advice they think it is nor will it make me, a black man say I don’t have it hard because my apartment has electricity and some racist Ukrainian just lost their place. I agree, black Americans should travel more and see how others in the world live. We can do this and still not abandon our fight and we should see first hand how these places view black Americans so we they won’t continuously rely on our lack of knowledge to get away with white supremist thinking and talking points.
Why is it that no one tells “others” about how black folks are treated in America? Please answer that if you can, I’m going to my next point.
Non-White ethnic groups think telling black Americans to stop blaming the white man is going to get them a leg up, a bone, a belly rub, a pat on the head and eventually a spot on the beds of white people. I’m here to tell you right now, what all the years of assimilation and humiliation by the devils themself should have told you, that it’ll never happen, YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE or viewed that way. You can try to buy your way into whiteness like some Indians did in the past and you will still not be one of them. Not in my eyes and certainly not theirs. If you truly want to be the ally of black folks, stop telling us what to do and start thanking us for our continued fight. If it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t be able to fight for fair treatment, either.
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