Meeting Janet Jackson’s “Ignorance” With Colorism.
I’m back and I still remember what you said last election cycle. My November was LONG but a much valued break from writing about society. I took November off to focus on my NanoWrimo project. More updates on that and other news related to my writing projects can be found here
I Remember
Like every election post Obama, the Democrat shills and unhinged voters showed their anti-black black assess. Threatened and wished bodily harm on those who dared to question the political party and maliciously antagonized celebrities who once again, dared to say anything short of “I’m voting for Kamala Harris.” One of those celebes was Cardi B, but she flipped. Another was Janet Jackson, who seemingly doubled down on her skepticism when it came to Kamala’s ethnic makeup.
Unlike most black folks who agree with me on Kamala, I did not make her “questionable blackness” the brunt of my disassociation with her. Whether half black or not, my problems with her stem far beyond who she is pretending to be but have no doubt that the cosplaying is a huge red flag for me, it’s just not the only.
What I found “funny” but not surprising was the backlash Ms. Jackson got for questioning the legitimacy of Kamala Harris’ lineage.
I’m not repeating myself, I’m continuously exposing the truth. I knew once I saw this anti-black behavior I had to call it out. Just as much as deranged Dems feel the need to terrorize anybody who doesn’t tote the line, I feel it’s my duty as a former Kool-Aid guzzling Black Democrat to call them out on their hypocrisy, from voters and politicians.
2nd Layer
Make no mistake, had Kamala and Douglas had mixed race babies, the same people who consider her a black woman would have a fit if “Hoteps” questioned the blackness of those biracial babies, but I suspect that MJ’s kid’s having a white mother played a huge part in why they’re really mad at Janet Jackson (save your conspiracies for another post, I hear you though) and the disrespect of innocent relatives of hers. Had it been a bunch of black women in the Jackson family having babies with white men, Janet’s comments would’ve been ignored by the “protect black women” posse.
Why do you think it’s okay to be colorist against innocent people over something Janet Jackson said?