Hate Fucking.
Imagine if Harriet Tubman and Sojouner Truth said “fuck massa” to themselves as they stripped off every bit of dirty clothing they were wearing instead of screaming “FUCK MASSA” to a crowd of other slaves while they remove the bondage of chains from their mind and body. The world for black people would be a whole different place if that were the case. The world isn’t great for us right now but at least we have the power to choose who to love. When I see POC on Tik Tok choosing to have sex with racist out of “spite” I feel compelled to write this piece. As always, blame my parents for not aborting me if you feel some type of way about what’s being said in this wonderfully written piece by Yours Truly.
The Science Behind it All.
The white flags is symbolic of “white.” The person is saying “white men.” I’m guessing TrishA here has a white boss who monitors the social media accounts of his employees and she’s just covering her tracks while “fighting the power.” It must suck to work for a racist who is in denial of their racism. I’m glad I don’t anymore. Since we’re all scientist I think it is my turn to share the scientific knowledge I know. This is how people are made (physically). Sperm cells are produced by men when one is having the time of his life (hopefully). He might ejaculate inside of a woman (if he is fucking a woman raw) and if that woman is not on some form of birth control that sperm will very likely combine with a woman’s cells called A.K.A her “eggs.” Hopefully the woman in that situation is having the time of her life during those 30 seconds of hot cardiovascular activity. That process is also known as “conception.” Both cells from the man and woman go through the production process of meiosis which means “half yo daddy’s DNA and half ya mom’s DNA are mixed together to make you.
In nowhere in that process was there a mention of the eradication of racism by having sex with a racist and getting pregnant by him or impregnating one. You plan to bring a child into this world so you can “own” a racist by raising that child not to be racist. That is by far the worse plans of biological warfare I’ve ever heard of since the alleged concoction of the “Wuhan Virus” especially when you can peacefully make a baby with someone who actually loves you and still raise that child not to be a piece of shit. Someone please tell me how does it make more sense to “hate fuck” a racist, have a baby, go through a nasty separation (cause you know it’ll be ugly) and go through the systematically RACIST judicial system to get full custody of that kid? You’re putting your life and the life of your child in danger just to teach a racist person a lesson. You’d rather do all of that than to conceive with someone who isn’t racist and raise your little “woke baby” together as a loving family unit. No matter how you spin it your true intentions are not to rid the world of racism, it’s to fuck a white wo(man). You’re fetishizing the fetishizer. The only difference between the white fetishizer and you is they know what it is they just aren’t being upfront about the game they are playing because you are not a player in that game. You are the game. Only person you are playing is yourself either way you look at it. You fetishize a white person knowing that person is racist and still have a baby with them is you putting your livelihood at risk. You fetishize a racist white person not knowing (or refusing to see) they are racist and have a baby with them you still put yourself at risk of danger. All for what? The chance to say you had sex with a white person because that moment made you feel validated?
Born To Love Out of Hate.
Imagine being told by your mother the reason you’re here is because “your father is a racist and I wanted to hurt his feelings by raising you not to be” or “your father is a nigger, spic, chink, sand nigger who tricked me and I don’t believe in abortion so here you are.” Why would you possibly subject your future child to that? Think about someone other than yourself for once. Think about something other than your sex organ for once. If your dumbass want to have sex with known racist that’s your dumbass decision. just make sure you’re the only person affected by your dumb/blind horniness. “But what about telling racist people not to be racist?” The racist is not trying to further their racist agenda by impregnating or giving birth to to someone who isn’t their own ethnicity.
Love Revolution.
You want to start a revolution, love yourself. Love your own people. Stop seeking validation from white people and other ethnic groups. I’m not saying don’t date, love, lust outside of your race. Im saying don’t do any of that with racist and call it a revolution.