Food Stamps for Everyone!

FKA ES Writer
3 min readSep 5, 2024


Photo by Hillshire Farm on Unsplash

This blog is not sponsored by Hillshire Farm, but shout out to them for taking this beautiful photo.

In the world’s richest country, why are we paying out of pocket for food? In a world rich in natural resources, why are we paying for produce and water?

Like many other Americans and folks around the globe, times have been financially rough for me. Writing helps out a bit, but it’s served more as food for my soul more than it has for bringing in the bacon. I’ve had to choose between saving for bills or spending it on food while eating up savings trying to keep my head above water. Back in July I decided to apply for SNAP benefits and was approved (Praise God) and since then I have been thinking “Why isn’t everyone on SNAP?”

The extra 200+ dollars a month specifically for groceries is a game changer for me right now. I’m a single guy with no kids. The only responsibility I have is to myself and to my craft. Under $300 a month is okay for me, but it’s not nor should it be the standard for everyone single without kids. As with everything, I am the outlier. If there’s one thing I do well aside from writing is stretching out a dollar and making food last. I’m not a wasteful person, I’m pretty much fine with consuming my favorite food daily. A protein (tuna, salmon, steak or ground beef), a veggie (broccoli) and something sweet to satisfy my daily sweets cravings (I try to make it fruit, but sometimes it’s a slice of carrot cake). I don’t think you came here to read my recipe book so I’ll continue making my point, EVERYBODY who makes less than six figures ($100,000 yearly) should be eligible for food stamps.

Who’s Going to Pay for That?

The same “lovely” people who are paying for it now. The federal government and state, meaning our tax dollars, and other “miscellaneous” means the fed uses to make their money. Instead of funding military’s and genocides, throw that money into the National Food Fund. That’s not real! Neither is your 401K.

Not every tax paying American should receive the same amount in monthly food aid. A family of four should not receive the same amount as a single person with no dependents. The less money one makes coupled with the more mouthes they have to feed should result in them getting more aid compared to someone else who is more well off financially and has less responsibility to others. Health factors should play a part aid amount, too.

Remember, I said eligible, not required. If someone wants to opt out of receiving aid from the National Food Fund they can. If you’re too proud to receive “hand outs,” if you believe somebody else is more deserving of the aid or you simply don’t want to wait until the first of the month to do your grocery shopping, you have the option to not get aid like you do now.

Instead of being another voice on here complaining about problems, I thought it’d be better to offer a soltuion. One that isn’t too different from the method that we have now. Curious to know what you think. Good idea or does it need to be attached to your affiliated political party in order for it to get the stamp of approval?



FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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