Emotionally Supporting Black Men is NOT the Same as Carrying Our Burden.
Sad that a statement like that has to be said. Imagine the backlash if I or another Black man would’ve thought emotionally supporting our sisters and Black Queens was carrying their burden and resented them for it. No other group of women think that way about their men. Hell, even white feminist who claim to hate all men have the backs and sides of their white male oppressors, let toxic self-hating Black women tell it, a Black man who needs emotional support is just a big black burden baby. These same women seem to have no problem with emotionally supporting white men/non-black men.
The hypocrisy kills me. Are we “emotional burdens” because we deal with racism and other issues stacked against us that we did not create nor do we benefit from despite what deceptive cave dwelling women tricked y’all into thinking. Is it too much of a burden for Black men to look for emotional ease from the ONE person outside of each other who understands our struggle almost at a one-to-one comparison? If we hold it in, we’re rougarou’s, if we confide in our women, we’re burdens…
The problem is you have these toxic Black women who want to separate themselves from Blackness so much that they willingly fall inline with the division tactics of their “white sisters.”
To the sistas, and Queens out there who get it, these words of anger aren’t aimed at you. To the brothers and Kings out there, keep your head high and know that not ALL Black women are as vile as the self-hating ones who will meet their demise some day if they already haven’t. A lot of them have and are still in denial, but I’ll save that for another time.
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