Do You Want Black Dad’s or Nah?
A lot I can say about these people photo’d above that has very little to do with them, per-say. A lot of hypocrisy that I feel is obvious, but apparently not obvious enough. A lot of time needed to break this down, but fortunately for me, time is what I seem to have a lot of these days.
Let me start with the obvious, A$AP Rocky isn’t your baby daddy (the father of the (child)ren for the respectability politically correct folks out there). That means if you find that man unattractive and don’t want his “ugly” DNA to “curse” your imaginary baby, then don’t have sex with him. Next, these comments are likely from former Tumblr tantrum throwers, now Tik Tok Teens A.K.A “Gen Z.” A$AP Rocky is taking the attention away from Rihanna by being in pictures of her showing off her baby bump. Zoomers don’t say “baby bump,” I’m paraphrasing, but you get the picture, some of these kids are looney. The only man I’d agree fit that statement is the man know for being all in the videos, dancing. That’s a joke, by the way. They tried to make the same argument for cropping Diddy out of his family photo months ago. It’s a ridiculous argument that is rooted in colorism and the erasure of black men. No other man is publicly “x’d” out of family photos more than dark skinned black men. The same people who cry bout absentee black fathers have no problem photoshopping and ridiculing pictures of famous black dad’s/soon to be father’s because they don’t think the father of a baby that isn’t their own is attractive. That’s where the colorism comes into play. Going back to the “attention seeking” excuse, I have a strong inkling that if Rihanna got pregnant by the Arabic Prince she dated a few years back, talks of ruining the picture wouldn’t be a thing nor would other snide remarks about the man be stated. It’s not just Gen Z who does this. There’s women, men, people much older than them who would also be gawking at pictures of Rihanna and her non-black, non-dark skinned baby Zaddy.
I think it is important for me to point out these hypocrisies because staying silent about them, as I have been snd chalking it up to “stupid people on the internet” is what the divestors want me to do. They don’t want their ugliness to be exposed, although they exposed themselves walking out in public with them busted wigs. All jokes aside, I hope y’all see this hypocrisy. Some of the same people who say black men need to be present in the lives of their children and those kid’s mothers are calling for Rihanna to remove A$AP Rocky from the picture (literally) because they’re repulsed by his dark skin. A think-piece wouldn’t be a think-piece from me if I wasn’t covering all ground. I know there will be those who claim racism and misandry is not the reason they detest Rihanna and Rocky’s relationship (not that it really matters), but they’ll say Rich Rocky isn’t as famous as Rihanna and she should be with someone who is on her level or higher. “Arabic Bae” wasn’t famous and Rihanna has more money than him. None of these bozos claiming she’s settling for less said that when she was with him. Hell, Rihanna could’ve been foolish enough to get pregnant by a white meth head and these misandrist wouldn’t consider that a down grade because black skin is the down grade in their eyes.
Continue to Make You Bleed.
We’re in the home stretch, stick with me. There’s one last delusional comment made by the looney’s of Lala Land. This young lady on the bird app argued that Rihanna and Rocky’s relationship was going to fail because of A$AP Rocky’s toxic male ego. What proof does she have that Rocky has an over-inflated ego? None as all. Just more black male hate disguised as concern. This particular comment is twice as spiteful because it really seems like the person and those who agree want to be proven right just so they can say “look, another toxic black man.” If there’s anyone with an ego in this situation it’s the people who would wish ill on the woman they “stan” because they don’t like the man she chose to be with. Rihanna is no stranger to abuse and these sickos are wishing that the black man she’s with continues the cycle of abuse just so they can say they were right about all of us. I’m never personally invested in celebrity couples. 20% of my dating life is trying to avoid women who idle worship celebrities, but I’m rooting for Rihanna and Rocky to last. Not just to make the naysayers mad, but for the sake of Black Love, for their own sake, for the sake of positive black fatherhood and for the sake of the child. But hey, if it doesn’t, that just means there’s another chance for me and Rihanna to be a thing. She seems to not have an issue “dating down.”
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