Did White People Ruin Kevin Hart?

FKA ES Writer
4 min readApr 7, 2019


Ask a number of fans of Kevin Hart they’ll tell you they think he’s funny, but his stand-ups have been watered down or they’ll use terms like “he fell off.” I say fan and not Stan because fans are objective. “Stans” aren’t. I’m also well aware that not every fan may feel that way about the comedian and actor but I do feel like giving credence to those who do feel that way about Kevin Hart, so I’m giving them some shine before I get into the meat of it all. Besides, I’m one of those fans.

Did Kevin Hart Fall Off?

Well you can’t say a man who is still making box office movies at least two times a year and starring in them is “falling off.” You can critique the movie’s (Jumanji was basura juice). You can judge his acting in those movies (he was not funny in Jumanji. In fact, no one was. Not even the Rock). But to say he fell off when he’s still working and thriving is a contradiction. You can say the material has changed over the years. Unless you’re one of those dumb, deaf and blind stans out here that’ll praise anything Kevin Hart does like Kanye stans do with him.

So What Happened?

I think three things can play into why Kevin Hart’s comedy just isn’t what it used to be. Now anyone can say “well he’s grown and matured and because of that the comedy has changed” and they’d make a good assessment by mentioning that, but I don’t think that is the case for Kevin’s stand-ups not being funny anymore (subjectively speaking of course).

  1. The fact that we live in the age of outrage and that may have effected his creativity.
  2. Kevin Hart doesn’t want to piss off anymore white people.
  3. Black people don’t fuck with him like we used to. For both reasonable and unreasonable reasons.

Sensitivity Killed Comedy.

For decades stand-up comedy was an avenue for comedians to get their “politically incorrect” thoughts off. The only catch was those thoughts had to be funny or thought provoking. They didn’t even have to be true to the comic’s character and personal morals, but if it got laughs then they did their job. Once the biased P.C era started blowing up many comedians suffered backlash for jokes they’ve said in old stand-up performance and on social media. Kevin Hart being one of those comedians. He ended up losing “an opportunity of a lifetime” as he described it when his Oscar hosting gig was revoked from him because of old homophobic tweets from six years ago “all of the sudden” popped up around the time it was announced that he would be hosting the Oscars. Kev has also said some other shit that rubbed people the wrong way so he’s trying to play it safe and playing it safe in comedy doesn’t always work.

Kevin Hart Doesn’t Want To Piss Off Anymore White People.

This one is exactly as it reads. Kev may have gotten his start catering to a black audience, but that’s simply not where he is at this point in his career (due to his own decisions of course). Being that this is the age of outrage and white folks just want to be outraged by everything because it prevents them from focusing on racism and other worldly issues they’ve caused they want Kevin Hart and other “raw” comedians to kowtow to their basic brand of comedy. What sets black comedians like Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle apart from Kevin Hart is Chris and Dave aren’t afraid to make white people feel bad. Chris and Dave get plenty of white dollars and still speak on racism and other political issues. Now Kevin Hart’s material really isn’t political, I understand that. That’s like asking Future to make conscious HipHop. That just aint gon’ happen and if it does, it’ll sound basic as fuck like “people hate me because I’m a black man and I have money.” I do have faith in Kevin Hart that he’d come up with something thought provoking to say in a comedy bit before Future or any of these “little niggas” can say something worth listening to in a song.

No Black Bone

The most important bone in our body is our backbone. If that’s not scientifically proven, fuck science. With that being said the most important bone in our black body’s is our blackbone. Our blackbone not only aids us in our individual fight’s against white supremacy, but it’s the support system that we all need as black folks aiming for success in a world that is against us. So when you’re a multi-millionaire star I think it’s only right if you show your blackbone some love. With that being said if Kevin Hart was more intune with his blackness he wouldn’t be out here struggling to come up with cookie cutter non-offensive jokes because he doesn’t want anymore white tears to rain on his parade. Other than that I think black people can’t relate to Kev like we used to. That’s neither our fault or Kevin’s. If he wants to talk about his son shitting on the floor for 10 minutes, that’s what he thought was worth joking about. Some of the backlash I’ve seen Kevin get from black people is unwarranted. Like people upset at him because of his wife. As if anybody should be hated for who they fall in love with. In general it’s mainly the aspect of us feeling like Kevin abandoned black audiences when he wouldn’t be where he is if it wasn’t for us. His blackbone.



FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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