“Debate Me, Bro!”
Like good music, the art of formal, mature debate is lost in the sea of garbage dooky water and debris. When people bring up debates now it’s just a waste of time masked as a time filler. A quick Google search will tell you a debate is when opposing arguments get together and formally argue viewpoints. “It’s a formal type of discussion often with a moderator and an audience in addition to debate participants.” Y’all going to hate this last part right here, “debates occur in public meetings, academic institutions and legislative assemblies.” Nowhere in this definition did it say online, on The Bird App or any other virtual world where you have your mindless followers and someone else has theirs.
I’m not saying anything outside of what the all mighty intellect Google says about debates doesn’t exist. Informal debates are a thing just don’t get it twisted with formal debates. You using more buzzwords than the other, you being louder (or calmer) than the other, or you simply having more friends/followers than the other “debater” doesn’t mean you are right and they are wrong. For starters, within a REAL debate actual subject matters are being discussed and that discussion could alter the lives of not only those debating but those in the audience. The audience members for the most part should be unbiased onlookers looking to be educated on whatever is being said during the debate. The audience is expected to make their own mind up once the debate is over or at least walk away from the debate with more knowledge than they had prior to viewing the debate. In short, debates are for the people in the audience to learn something, not for the debater to get more followers.
You debating why your religion is the superior one and why everyone else is wrong is not something you should take pride in. Remember, debates are made for educating the audience, not for boosting your ego. Formal debaters aren’t people who believe strongly in what they do because they have a lot of people in their ear who agree. They believe in themselves whether they had twelve, twelve-thousand or zero followers on their side prior to entering the debate. You on the other hand, you think you’re right because you have a church full of people standing behind you. I mean that literally and figuratively. Shit, YOU didn’t believe in what you’re “debating” until there were people who filled your ego. Every yes is not a confirmation of truth, but you pseudo-master debaters will take that and run with it because it doesn’t challenge your “beliefs” or bruise your ego.
Here’s Why I don’t take you seriously and will never “debate” you.
- You’re not saying anything that truly matters in the grand scheme of things.
Honestly, what are we talking bout and truly ask yourself does it matter to humanity? Sports debates, music debates, even religious debates do not matter to everyone therefore I’m not going to spend much time talking about opinions.
I know religion is a tricky one, but that’s only because we make it that way. To me religion finds you, therefore there would be more religious testimonials rather than arguments on who is right and who is wrong.
- You don’t really believe what you’re arguing.
It’s very evident to me when someone is arguing something because they truly believe it or for reasons outside of personal belief. People will argue things because they see people around them make those arguments/talking points. People who truly believe in an idea will not only listen to trusted sources, but will do their own research because at the end of the day it is up to you to know everything that should be known about whatever you’re researching. Waiting on someone to spoon feed you that info is not the mark of a master debater or competent debater. That’s the mark of a master-follower or decent-parrot. Decent because you don’t have the pretty wings like a real parrot, but you do repeat everything you hear without thought and on cue, like a parrot would.
- I’m not going to be the air tank to your inflatable head.
In other words, I’m not boosting your ego. It’s unfortunate you have the ego that you have due to your insecurity. How you mask that is by putting on a front of confidence and intelligence. I’m not calling you stupid, I’m calling you insecure. The sooner you accept the truth the truer your life and how you live it will be. I only speak from experience when I give advice and I advise you learn how to accept being wrong and learn to understand that you don’t know everything. I know it’s hard to question things you’ve been hearing all of your life. I know it is hard to decipher what is true or not when trusted voices speak, but it can be done and it will be done the moment you admit to not knowing everything. It’s okay to ask questions and if anybody does shame you for questioning their words or mindset, they are someone who wants to play you or they’re also someone who fears being wrong because being right and winning e-bates (internet-debates) is the only thing that makes them not feel like a failure. That’s some shit they have to unpack. I mean no disrespect to them when I say those people should not be listened to fully. They aren’t in the right space, mentally to be masters at anything.
Once you master self you won’t feel the need to beat everyone’s head in with your knowledge. You won’t have to rely on the “yes” people to make you feel like whatever you’re arguing is true. What’s true to you finds you and that is true for everyone else as well.