Coronavirus! Sh*t Is Real!

FKA ES Writer
5 min readMar 27, 2020


So I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to approach this piece for what feels like several months now, but only has been two weeks. I don’t want to seem insensitive to what’s going on and to the lives altered by the virus, but I can’t front, this cleansing of the earth is alright with me. I’m not talking the death toll. I’m talking about the effects on the environment social distancing and self-quarantining has had on the planet. I’m not saying this is the most effective way to fight against climate change, but we can cut back on a lot of the pointless stuff we were doing prior to the rona running rampant. Look at the numbers conducted in a 2018 study showing the positive changes due to working from home. 77% of people said that having a flexible job would allow them to live a healthier lifestyle. Your fat, lazy, zero will power having ass might believe working from home means you’re going to sit down all day consuming junk while answering emails, but 77% of those survey participants say they’d be able to eat healthier and exercise regularly since they have the time to do so. 86% of those participants said that working from home means less stress for them. This was a study done by the MHA (Mental Health America) so suck it if you don’t believe me. Speaking of sucking dick, you should go head and do that if you’re into it.

“Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down. In addition, a Scottish study published in the journal Biological Psychology found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events.”

This is what Google told me when I asked “How does sex reduce stress?” You test it out if you still don’t believe me. With that being said, if you’re stressing, get to sexing or sexting.

If you cared to read this far and are concerned about me, I’m scared, paranoid, angry, calm, cautious, protective, anxious and silly. I’m part of the 30% of American adults within the age range of 23–65 living with roommates. All three of my roommates workout outside of the house. 2 of them are social butterflies. The other one is just like me, if he’s not at work, he’s home. Often times he’s home alone because I’m out spreading my wings. I was working from home way before it became cool to work from home in 2020. My fear and paranoia come from them getting the virus and bring that bitch back to the apartment like running a train Corona is something we should be proud of. I don’t want to find out 14 days later that I got the rona. God forbid anybody in this apartment gets it. God forbid anyone reading this gets it. God forbid anyone else gets it. I’ve also been social distancing from them because they work outside the house most days of the week and because we are just different kinds of “clean freaks” with yours truly being the freakiest. That plays a part in my paranoia and social distancing from these brothers because I don’t know how clean they keep themselves. Sure, we’ve talked about the virus and how real it is, but when I look at the bathroom the social butterflies use…

Other than that, I’m fine. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. I’m using this time to tap into my spirituality more so I can become the person Erykah Badu looks at and wants to make beautiful brown eyed black babies with. In all seriousness, it’s spirituality that keeps me alive and sane right now. Listening to light-workers like Jerome Shaw and The Jaded Spirit. Also chatting with the beautiful Dr. Kristen Lee and tuning into her livestreams has helped with my undiagnosed but sure as fuck anxiety. Taking this time to constantly improve myself physically and mentally. I know that I have a message to spread and I can’t do that if I’m all doom and gloom. I understand how it’s hard not to be negative. I’m a poor black man living in America. Americans in general are fucked up because our “upper-leadership” is utter-shit. What you got to understand is when the people in charge aren’t doing their job, it’s up to you/us to make sure we are alright. You can sit around looking for a miracle. Claiming Trump is Jesus reincarnated into a fat orange guy, but he still hasn’t cured the virus, the environment, the stock market, economy or other issues that were exposed by Corona V.


Parents homeschooling their children are realizing they have been foolishly trusting the public school system to teach their children the important things in life. Instead these kids are learning about the origin of pillows. I kid you not, I saw a mother tweet that as part of what her son was learning in school.

Teachers are important and should be paid 10 times more than what they are making. I’m not over-exaggerating when I say that, I truly believe teachers deserve yearly salaries that resemble the salaries of athletes. Not the same, but close. Although I do believe the teachers need to be proactive in making sure the students they teach are actually learning some real stuff, as someone who used to work in the school system, I can attest to this. It’s the system that choses the curriculum, not the teachers. I’ve seen teachers be outcasted for openly criticizing the public school system. Heck, I was a part-time “coach” and lost that job due to my mouth and “disobedience” when it came to what I felt the kids should be learning and how they should be mentored. This is only likely to change when the public school system heads decide they want it to change or if more and more parents take their children out of public schools and either send them to charter/private schools or homeschool them.

As mentioned before, folks are less stressful and happier working from home. More people need to realize how toxic their work environments are, how toxic the travel to and from work is for the environment and how they are able to get shit done at home such as meetings that could be conducted via Skype or any other video chatting platform.

Going back to people being paid more, our REAL essential workers deserve the world for their services. At the end of the day, I’m just a writer. A writer with a whole lot of value and messages to put out there, but I’m not out there in the world risking my health to serve others the same way grocery store workers, maintenance workers and medical workers do. My roommates are essential workers. Only way my job could get me killed is if someone or a group of individuals want me silenced because of the things I say. I can stop people. People can’t stop the Coronavirus (for now).

Capitalism needs socialism to bail itself out. You call that a working system? That’s like needing people to push your car a few miles before it starts running regularly and then claiming your car is perfectly fine. This is what America has been doing since its inception.

Wake Up.



FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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