Choo Choo Train Express.

FKA ES Writer
4 min readMay 21, 2022
I do not own the rights to this image.


This piece was originally going to be about not supporting “other” businesses in black neighborhoods knowing how spiteful they are toward Black Americans. That point still stands, but I’m not going to lie. I’ve been feeling like Huey Freeman lately. I always knew this but I still get sad coming to grips that a lot of niggas cannot be saved. The great Harriet Tubman said it best, “I free’d a thousand slaves, I would’ve free’d more if they knew they were slaves.” Upon research, Ms. Tubman apparently never said that, but whoever said it was speaking facts and should be credited for that powerful quote. Just look at these lost niggas

Shout out to ATLUncensored for providing the video I’m referring to in this piece

If you thought the comments I shared were bad, keep scrolling down the entire thread if you’re a gluten for disapointment.

Black Racism.

There seems to be a consensus in the comments that this young lady deserved being called a “fucking black bitch” because she did dude dirty, allegedly. Ami, who goes by “@shawdy_pimpin” on Twitter is accused of stealing food by giving away free food away using an offensive Chinese accent to taunt her former boss. All of which is fucked up if true but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. Once again this is yet another example of the rules going out of the window when it comes to somebody black. What happen to “hate doesn’t negate hate” or is that only told to black people who clap back? I’ve never been to Choo Choo Express, never had any intentions of going there and certainly don’t have any after seeing this video. Sadly there are skin folk who disagree because this angry Asian man is supposedly a nice guy who was “pushed to the limit”

Asian Hate.

Anyone who has a problem with me bringing up Paul’s ethnicity but not upset with an Asian man calling a black woman a “black bitch,” you are who I’m addressing in this piece because I’m no longer going to try to convince us to stop spending our black dollars at anti-black businesses in predominantly black neighborhoods but what I will continue to do is call out the hypocrisy, call out the stupidity and shed light on the truth, that’s exactly what I aim to do here. Black businesses have been “cancelled” for less, whether it’d be pricing of goods/services being sold or a restaurant owner telling patrons not to spread their secretion juice all over people’s food while they’re trying to enjoy their meal. Y’all can continue to act like your anti-blackness doesn’t exist, just like I’m sure Mr. Choo Choo does with his. Neither of y’all are fooling me, though. Your man is racist and he thinks “appreciating” black culture, smiling at black people and hiring black women exempts him from anti-blackness. It doesn’t. Just like your black skin doesn’t exempt you from being anti-black or bigoted toward others. “He got angry,” is a paraphrase that sums up a lot of the tweets defending Paul’s actions. Once again I ask, when does the rules apply and change? Men, especially black men are told all the time that we should handle ourselves in a mature “non-threatening” manner, especially when it comes to women. A standard I have zero problems upholding myself and other men to, but a man broke that rule right in front of your face and you’re making excuses for him. You’re blaming the woman for this man’s intense emotional reaction. Bet that wouldn’t be the case if he was the black man he gets his “swagger” from. I’m not arguing for the right to mistreat women without judgement. I’m not saying men don’t or should not lose their cool because it happens. Believe it or not, men are humans, too. I’m saying words do matter. They say people’s true feelings come out when they are drunk or angry and I doubt Paul was drunk that day, but I do see a very angry Asian man who said what was on his mind. He called this woman a “black bitch” because that’s how he truly felt about the former employee and women who looked like her. It’s not like there aren’t any other insults he could’ve hurled at this reportedly rascal woman. he could’ve said “you thieving bitch,” “you unemployed bitch,” “you bum bitch,” “you annoying bitch.” Any of me these responses would’ve had me on the Choo Choo Train express because if this woman did actually get fired for stealing, then he has every right to not want her thieving ass at his business. I’m not mad at dude for losing his cool, I’m mad at him because he’s another racist who uses the “POC Solidarity” cloak to hide it.

Anyways, support and respect black businesses or continue to be mistreated by others. These are the words I’ll tell black folks going forward. The choice is yours.


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FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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