Can’t Cancel Grown Men.
“We don’t have to kill anyone anymore. We just have to sully their reputation and let the court of public opinion take care of them.” -An Agent of Chaos.
Whether the quote was actually stated or not there’s still truth to it. Whenever black men have been vocally against the “status quo” back then they were killed. Now it’s all about ruining one’s rep because people, now more than ever are sheep and will believe anything because it’s on the internet. People also would rather be dead than to live with leaving sour taste in mouths. Look at what sexual misconduct claims to Nate Parker did to his once star on the rise career and look at how unfazed Star Trek actor and comedian George Takei was when his accuser came out in 2017. Both men accused of something no one should ever do. Both men deny guilt, but one man’s reputation was sullied with lasting affects on his career today while the other is still viewed as a legend/lefty comedian who “trolls” Trump and Republicans on Twitter. You’re a cool kid as long as you’re anti-Trump and absolutely pro-dream selling Democrats, like Takei. Parker on the other hand is a straight black man who made a movie about Nat Turner, Hollywood did not want black folks to see because there were no made up white hero’s or shero’s (white female heros) and it told the truth. Then came the accusations. I’m not saying what Nate Parker was accused of is false. I don’t have the evidence to back that up. What I do know is false rape allegations on black men are as common as famous gay men hiding their sexuality during the 80s. I also do know that a lot of “progressives” claim to be about equality and fairness, but totally ignored and shut down George Takei’s accuser because they did not want to believe their favorite high and mighty gay liberal Twitter troll would sexually assault somebody. Liberals not keeping the same energy is nothing new to me. Neither is libs shitting on straight black men.
Fast forward to present day, we see the agents of chaos once again successfully manipulating the public into believing Ice Cube did a bad thing by meeting with Trump to discuss a plan for Black Americans. I have my thoughts on that and I will share them on my podcast What I will discuss here is the trivial, high school like mentality and behavior of massa’s toys. Was Cube and 50cent supposed to be embarrassed by people photoshopping Trump 2020 hats on them? Was Ice Cube’s grown ass supposed to be bullied into submission or silence? Continue reading to learn how grown men operate, told you by Yours Truly, a grown ass man.
I’m Here To Tell You Right Now, We Don’t Care.
We don’t care. Neither Ice cube or any other self respecting, self loving grown man (or woman) is going to be fazed by meme obsessed 30+ year olds. We’re not going to stop speaking the truth and standing up for what we believe in because you’re too dumb or scared to do so. Unlike you our self-esteem is not determined on the amount of people who like us or laugh with us. All of the little rules of “life” you abide by do not apply to us because we have our own mind and moral code. Most importantly life is not a popularity contest with us. This aint high school. This is real life.