Black People Can and Will Gate Keep, Cope.
Everybody does it. This isn’t just a “people of color” thing but if it was black people, Black Americans specifically would still be made out to be the “worst of the bunch.”
The nerve of anyone to think that black people are obligated to share spaces, center “other” faces or just include everybody in on our secrets and plans while they can be as reclusive as they want to be with theirs is doltish. How do you say “blacks will always be slaves” without saying those exact words? With the mindset that we aren’t entitled to have our own anything. The mindset that says everything black has to be catered to everybody else.
If You Don’t Know, Now You Know, Nigga.
- Black people DO NOT have to include other races and ethnic groups in our block buster movies.
- Black LGBTQIA+ members DO NOT have to include other Queer community members in their celebratory circles.
- Black art DOES NOT have to include everybody else’s input.
Feel free to add your own to the list.