Black Loyalty.
One of the many beautiful traits black people poses is loyalty. Believe it or not black people are very loyal people. Whether you agree with the cause or person we are riding for, the fact remains, black people are loyal. I’m not here to debate or celebrate that notion. I’m here to do as I always do. Speak my mind and engage in healthy dialogue if one was to happen. Anything less, I’m moving on with my day.
I am loyal to my people, but my loyalty isn’t blind. If I feel like someone black has betrayed the trust of myself and black people in general, I will not blindly support that person because they are black. Despite the dramatic buildup I don’t have ill feelings toward Tiger Woods. I think he’s a remarkable athlete and a great “comeback” story character. Speaking of character, from what I’ve seen he seems to be a very intelligent and charismatic man. All of that shit plus more makes for a wonderful human being, but I’m simply not a fan.
Why & Where.
A long time ago when I was on my young radical pro-black tip I discovered Tiger Wood’s history of denying his blackness. That angered me and for a very long time I was screaming “fuck Tiger Woods.” years later I’m more mature and less dramatic. My thoughts went from fuck Tiger Woods to I could care less about him winning titles or what he identifies as. May God bless him and all that other lovely stuff. Honestly can’t tell you why I don’t really care for Tiger Woods now, but I can say I don’t have a sudden impulse to root for the man either. Maybe it’s that 17 year old radical within me still holding a grudge while the rest of me wants to never mind and move on. That is my way of “forgiving and forgetting” without placing the individual in good graces with people who’ve rightfully earned their spot in that line. Tiger and I could meet some day and he’d be the nicest person I’ve ever met and my mind will change. Maybe I end up seeing an interview or something that contribute to my change of thought, but what I can tell you now is I’m not a fan, but I respect him.
It’s All Okay, I Think.
If you feel the need to support Tiger Woods because he is black that is your decision and that is okay, I think. To some degree I support him because of that too. I think.
If you don’t support Tiger Woods because of his wishy-washy “I’m black, but no I’m not” stance that is your decision and that is okay. I once felt this way and even though I don’t agree with it now I still think it is okay.
Lastly, I’d like to add that I think it is okay for black folks in general to support Tiger Woods even if he doesn’t support us. “We love Tiger Woods, even though he doesn’t necessarily love us” is how I saw another writer put it. Love shouldn’t be based on whether someone reciprocates those feelings or not. I’m not advising any of you to be the fool in a relationship loving somebody who doesn’t love you. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person. I’m saying I think it’s okay to root for someone “possibly” of your community even though they may not root for their fellow “possible” community members. Love should be based on reasons that you came up with for why you love them or feel however you do about them. If you’re choosing to remain loyal to Tiger Wood that is your decision and that is okay, I think.