Biden FINALLY Met With Black Men.
One of President Biden’s campaigning spots for his 2024 election run was a black barbershop in Columbia, South Carolina. There, he met with the most toxic beings on the face of this planet, according to septum ring theorists, straight black male barbers and their straight black male patrons. White Zaddy wasn’t there to save a Twitter hoe by defending their honor against these smiling, hardworking beastly beings, he was there to butter them up and not in the way white liberal sycophants are thinking of. JB was there to sell game in the name of praise and to talk down on Donald Trump like he’s the real threat to the black community.
My assessment of this meeting is based on info that was shared in this political article and of course my thoughts prior to reading up on this meeting.
I first saw the news about this “political” meet and greet on everyone’s favorite outrage porn platform, X, FKA Twitter. People on black outrage twitter took offense to Biden pretty much saying one of the big black men sitting in a barber chair should be a football player, because all burley black brothers are good for is to be highly paid crash test dummies for America’s favorite passtime. In all seriousness, Jim Crow Joe’s comments on the guy’s physique wasn’t nearly as offensive as the virtue signaling bullshit he and the Democrats continue to run on the black voter bloc, but I’ll delve into that, soon. When I saw the clip of Corn Pop’s BFF in that Barber Shop my initial thoughts were “I bet NONE of these men mentioned anything about Reparations, systematic racism, nor other issues plaguing black America today.” Not even a subtle mention about about personal issues they go to the shop and vent about. Here is a man who has the power to make their life easier and not one of them took the opportunity to say “Hey, Mr. President, it would really benefit me/us if you did ______.” We are the reason you are in office after all, right? In short, I had zero faith that there wa any discussions of tangibles that went on during this meeting.
And after checking out the meeting for myself, I was right. I’ve said this before and I will say it again, I don’t get off on being right about these things. Afropessimism has been getting the best of me and I don’t like it, but I also won’t pretend like everything is fine.
I never was one who screamed about wanting to meet with Biden, another Democrat or the the Democratic Party in general. Not that I think meeting with politicians is pointless, it’s just I had a strong feeling that we as a community would get “starstruck ” and just continue to clap, smile and dance with political figures who mean no good to us. My lack of faith wasn’t in black women’s ability to know when we as a community are being conned, it was the lack of faith that we as a community, both black men and women wouldn’t be able to tell a con game being ran on them by politicians.
The polls might show black women vote for the Dems at a slightly higher rate than black men, it doesn’t mean brothers are not and have not been susceptible to this donkey and pony bullshit, and this meeting proved that to be right, unfortunately.