
FKA ES Writer
6 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo by Aiden Craver on Unsplash

I think we live in a sick twisted world and I have the internet to thank for that revelation. The same internet people can use to gather information and decipher truth from hearsay. So why is it that people have all this knowledge at their finger tips, yet still fib? Nobody cares about the truth when the lie is much more entertaining, I’ve heard some say and this quote applies to this baseless rumor regarding Malcolm X’s sexuality. First and foremost, this is not a piece shutting down the bisexual rumors about Malcolm X because of “biphobia.” I would still love and admire the man just the same if he was, but much like right is right and wrong is wrong, truth is truth and lies are lies.

Addressing the Rumors.

Contrary to popular belief, the rumors regarding Malcolm X’s sexuality were not started by internet trolls for clicks and giggles, there’s an entire book written by Bruce Perry with claims inferring that the man formerly known as Malcolm Little had sexual encounters with men for money and pleasure. From supposed old school mates giving him handjobs that he (Malcolm) allegedly lied to other peers saying that the other teen (BeBee) gave him oral, to stories about Malcolm allegedly bragging about “servicing the queers” for financial gain. There’s more I can explore, but it’s Sunday and I don’t like discussing other people’s sex life, even if I think what’s being said is utter bull. My reason for my stance on these rumors is because why would Malcolm be so boastful about his sexual encounters with men just for him not to ever mention his supposed past when he gave his life to Allah? Yes, as an outsider looking in, it does seem that the Nation of Islam isn’t very welcoming to homosexuality or the LGBTQIA lifestyle in general, but the same can be said about most religions. The NOI is also against drug usage, drug dealing, pimping, thievery and other “petty” crimes, all of which Malcolm X confessed to doing, why not mention the “sin” of same sex relations? Drug dealers and pimps are still seen as more respectable human beings than a gay/bisexual man, I get it, trust me, I do, but the Malcolm X I know is not beloved by me because he owned guns and scared white people. It’s because the man was about principle and integrity. In 2011 X’s 3rd daughter, Illyasah Shabazz did an interview with NPR and revealed that the 4 missing chapters in the critically acclaimed book “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” had no mention of past sexual encounters with men regarding himself personally.

“Right. I think the things that I take issue with are the fact that he said my father engaged in a bisexual relationship, a homo — you know, he had a gay lover who was an elder white businessman, I think, in his late 50s when my father was in his teens. And, you know, my father was an open book. And we actually have four of the missing chapters from the autobiography. And, you know, he is very clear in his activities, which nothing included being gay.” -Illyasah Shabazz, 2011.

Shabazz later states “And certainly he didn’t have anything against gay — he was for human rights, human justice, you know. So if he had a gay encounter, he likely would’ve talked about it. And what he did talk about was someone else’s encounter.”

Where Is the Proof?

There’s word from close family members denying the rumors with proof of their own to substantiate their claims, how about the proof from those who believe in the rumors? Not even Bruce Perry himself had quoted statements from the men he claims Malcolm had sex with, just “word on the street” statements and as fun as it is to quote “the streets,” the streets aren’t always a reputable source of information. With all these supposed sexual encounters with men, and all these “close friends” Malcolm used to brag to them about, not one person outside of a salacious author has made claims of that nature? Not even the FBI has come out and state that they have proof of this manner. Why would they, you ask? You’re asking why would the same organization that revealed Martin Luther King Jr.’s infidelity via wiretapped audio and alleged photos of him being sexually involved with other women outside of his marriage? Why would they not take the chance to smear his name? They were already doing so, to him and other black civil rights leaders. They called him a black terrorist, not a gay or bi black terrorist.

But Why Lie?

Why else? The ONLY reason people chose to discuss men’s, especially black men’s sexuality is to shame or a defamation attempt, even from those who are of the LGBT+ community. They know that a trigger to some men’s ego/self-esteem and outward perception is to question his sexuality. Despite the progressive perception of western society, homosexuality and queer-identity is still viewed as taboo and everybody straight or not, cis-gendered or not plays a role in why this is still a thing 53 years after the Stonewall Riots. “Let’s trigger the hetereo’s by saying one of their icons was gay or bisexual” is the troll mentality behind it. The other is lust. Malcolm X was and is a handsome man, and Malcolm Little was a handsome young man. I’m sure there are plenty of men who are into men sexually who thought the same way and in turn did what us men tend to do when we are unhinged and horny, lie our dicks off. As acknowledged before, the rumor wasn’t started online by trolls, but it was continued to be broadcasted as alternative facts by trolls looking to capitalize off of the online controversy and to vocalize their lust for the man. I don’t know what’s worse, the sheer fact that any rumor can be started online and if enough people repost it, it then becomes “true” or me crediting the FBI’s intelligence. Once again, this is the type of “juicy” intel they would’ve used to discredit Malcolm X because nothing screams “horrible person” like a man who has sex with other men or trans-women (you said it, not me), but they (the FBI) didn’t. Out of all the rumors and verbal assassination attempts on Malcolm X by the FBI, not one of them had anything to do with his sex life. So you’re telling me that a queer troll who read a headline has more “tea” on Malcolm X than the FBI?

What Are You Waiting For?

I read the article linked below by Peter Tatchell. It reads as a rebel rouser desguising himself as a truth seeker. There are many others like Tatchell who claim their interest in this rumor is not ill-intent but it’s meant to highlight a black bisexual icon. That would be wonderful if it were true, but it is not. What’s sad about it is there is a famous well known gay black civil rights activist by the name of James Baldwin and maybe lesser known Bayard Rustin and the list of names that does not stop there. Why make up and spread lies when you can simply use the same internet you use to keke at the rumors and do your own research on these very real iconic civil rights activist? Most importantly, why aren’t you that upstanding, bisexual, homosexual, queer black man? You can admire a heterosexual man’s legacy as a non-straight black man/person without having to make up a reason to relate to him just like I can admire Marsha P. Johnson without denying her identity so I can relate to her.


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FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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