Beyonce Is Not Your Tour Guide.

FKA ES Writer
4 min readAug 13, 2020

A Bey fan, but not a Bey stan. I will criticize Bey whenever I see fit and I’ll get my criticism out of the way so I can focus on the points I really want to make in this piece. I thought Black Is King was lovely. If you want a full breakdown on my thoughts about the film or musical subscribe to my Patreon because that review is already uploaded for subscribers eyes only As far as my critique of the film I believe that the story could’ve been more apparent and original. It just felt like Beyonce’s version of the Lion King. That’s it. That’s my critique.

I found nothing else wrong with what Beyonce did, but people are going to do what they do now a days and complain about everything. Some of the complaints are warranted like with everything and then there are those who just want attention for bringing awareness to fickle focal points that should have never seen the light of day. Since they did and since I had to hear about it I will do one of my favorite things to do and call out the stupidity from stink piece cultures finest writers. To do this I’ll start with the easiest argument to shut down. Is Beyonce is authentic in her “pro-blackness” or not?

Bey’s Authenticity.

Beyonce cares. She’s just not the type to buzzword you to death to show you how much she knows or cares. You think someone who didn’t care would do the extensive research she and her team does in order for her to give off an authentic African performance? Y’all are the same folks who were flattered and “felt seen” when Nancy Pelosi and other members of congress knelt in silence for 8 minutes and 48 seconds wrapped in kente cloth, but Beyonce is the one faking the funk? Seeing Black Is King didn’t make you “feel seen?” Whether you could personally identify with the film or not, that’s up to you and I’m not holding that against you. It’s your trash takes in the paint that’s getting you tea-bag dunked on right now. Straight up balls to the face. You should also know Bey has been including little African “subtleties” in pretty much every solo project that she’s done. They just weren’t popularized because they were subtleties and anything subtle isn’t meant to be grand and in your face. Black Is King clearly was the opposite of all of that and it was done purposefully. Kudos to you for being able to see African stuff, but don’t think Beyonce just started celebrating blackness. Now if you want to argue if she has been in your face with pro-blackness for the last few years because it is profitable, then you might be onto something. What you’re failing to understand is someone could profit off of spreading messages that they truly care about. Y’all are also the same people who ask for the Beyonce’s, the Jay’s and other big names in the entertainment industry to speak up more on issues of social justice and then shit on them for doing it or not doing it the way you think it should be done. Might I add the way you think it should be done isn’t being done by you, yourself. See if you were out here actually doing the work you wouldn’t feel the need to force celebrities to be your voice. Which brings me to my next point.

Beyonce Is Not Your Tour Guide.

I heard there were a number of people upset with Black Is King because it did not show a more modernized look of Africa nor did it explore the plethora of African cultures and styles. Do you really think it’s possible to show ALL of Mother Africa’s beauty and richness in an hour and 34 minutes? Would it have been cool if Black Is King was an episodic thing that showed all of Africa? Yes! That would’ve been twice as lovely and a lot more organized, but y’all would still complain about it as well and some of those complaints would have been valid while the rest were just losers doing their daily internet thug thizzle. I can understand wanting to see more, but that’s not Beyonce’s job, my negus. If you’re old enough to pay for a Disney+ subscription you are very capable of doing your own research and looking through the hundreds, maybe thousands of documentaries that showcase the Africa you wanted to see. Let’s also not act like the trailer of Black Is King was clickbait. You saw no metropolitan area in the trailer so what made you think we were in store for inner city Africa? You’re just grasping at straws to complain about something. To shit on something people like. To write that stink piece because complaining about invisible problems is how you get your clicks. We know what the game is sis (not gender exclusive) so you might want to try something new or leave the wonderful art of writing alone.

African Americans Culturally Appropriating Africa.

Bruh, WHAT? BEYONCE IS AFRICAN-AMERICAN! every African American could just be African if their ancestors weren’t stolen from fucking AFRICA! Are you really going to hold that against Beyonce and the rest of us who want to show love and identify with our African roots? Stop reaching!



FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.