Bell Hooks Hooked Y’all.
Let me start off with this tidbit. I have never read a thing written by Bell Hooks. Let me clarify, I’ve read many quotes from Ms. Hooks and read a handful of excerpts, but as far as reading entire books or even half? Nah and I don’t plan to.
Because Black men do not have to sit and read literature that demonizes us. no other group has to do so, but I’ve noticed when it comes to Black people, specifically in this case the Black men, we aren’t given the same standards as everybody else. Everybody else is allowed to be angry and vocalize their disagreement when they are being generalized. Black people, Black men are not. I know one of the Hookers (Bell Hooks stans) is going to comment or think about commenting “you did not read Bell Hooks.” With such “classics” like this, who needs to read an entire book from someone with this mindset?
Another comment or thought I am anticipating from the “hookers” is “you’re taking this out of context.” Am I really? She basically said “these 5 black boys may not be guilty of rape, but they are black, they are male and they are masculine and masculine black males have a tendency to rape. And they shouldn’t have been hanging around being the black masculine threat that is placed upon them by white supremacy.” If you have a different interpretation of her statement, tell me what it is. I even saw comments on Reddit from someone justifying Bell Hooks’ comments by pretty much saying “she’s not wrong for thinking these Black boys were guilty because most of America at the time believed that they were guilty.”
You know what else “most people” thought back then? That same sex relations was morally wrong, but I bet this Redditor wouldn’t dare justify a homophobic professor’s anti-queer comments with “well most people thought that way back then,” but once again when it comes to Black men there’s a whole new set of rules.
Strip away the strategically crafted denigration and false equivalencies between Black and white men, your girl Bell Hooks was a hustler. I don’t condone her hustle, she made a very lengthy and probably lucrative career for herself. 69 years on this planet is not a long time, but it is long enough to reflect on your past and correct any mistakes you may have made. If Bell Hooks truly loved Black men and being Black in general as y’all, the Hookers will say, she had ample amount of time to use that callus mind of hers to clarify and further explain herself, but she didn’t. She didn’t because no self-respecting hustler is going to admit to being wrong or straight up reveal the game they are running. It’s hard for me to say whether I believe she is another feminist Black male misandrist or if I and others are reacting to her purely on emotion and not logic. What I do know is that’s part of the game and damn, I must admit it is good. I anticipate people pointing out all of the nice things she’s said about Black men and the “mean” things she’s said about white people, but that doesn’t impress or fool me. A hustler knows their base and they never speak against their base or desired audience unless they plan on attracting a whole new base. Politicians do this all the time. This can be seen recently with Tulsi Gabbard. A once “hater” of both the political left and right has been on her “soft conservative” tip lately because she wants to still give off this idea that she is still “anti-establishment” while dipping her toe in the red water to attract the so-called “anti-establishment right-wingers.” She is abandoning her “anti-establishment leftist” for this move. Bell Hooks has never abandoned Black Feminist Misandrist, but she did use the feminist and misandry to attract white feminist. To try to be more concise, she made Black feminist feel good and justified for their negative feelings about Black men and telling how white people (white women especially) are evil while in the same sense telling white women that it is okay for them to mask their racism/hatred for Black men because they are men. A common ignorant misunderstanding that I see a lot on Twitter. Divesters thinking anti-Black racism just means anti-Black men, but not all Black people. That’s the reality they want, but that’ll never be the case. No matter how many interracial “loving” couples they see between a Nazi/Proud Boy and a Black woman.
Take Aways.
- Not every academic should be listened to.
- Not every academic is right about everything.
- Academia is just as corrupt as any other institution and people in this field can be propped up for propagandized purposes.
- BLACK MEN have every tight to be just as vocal about disagreements as everyone else. Just because you can’t come up with a sound response does not mean we are oppressing you.
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