So you say there shouldn’t be billionaires. You’re against capitalism and I hear you. This countries (America) distribution of wealth is flat out ridiculous and trickle down economics is a myth. I personally believe capitalism is a tool just like any and everything else. And just like a tool it can and will be used for evil by abusers. So I hear all of the complaints about capitalism, but I can’t say I agree with it.
I can’t agree with this anti-billionaire mindset if it means I and others who’ve worked hard to achieve our wealth won’t be able to reap the benefits of it because lazy, insecure, jealous folks don’t want us to live a happy life. Happiness not meaning money, but financial freedom. I know many associate money with financial freedom and people are right in doing so but one of the biggest misconceptions of financial freedom is you need to be a billionaire or millionaire to achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom to me simply means the ability to say “fuck you and this job. I don’t NEED to do this for money.” One could be financially free if they have other streams of income that they find more pleasure in doing or if they already have enough “fuck you” money saved up for them to rely on while looking for other employment or creating more opportunities for themself. In no way shape or form does this method require you to be a millionaire or billionaire. I do suggest if that is the goal you are setting for yourself before you consider yourself financially free you might want to buckle up because you’re in for a long ride. If patience isn’t a virtue to you then I suggest you drop them millionaire/billionaire goals for a couple thousand or a couple hundred thousand. You can raise your expectations back up once you achieve those smaller goals. Financial freedom also means you don’t owe anybody money or you don’t owe anybody large amounts of money. There are plenty of billion and millionaires who owe people money. I’m not just talking credit card bill payments, I mean lots of fucking money. Meanwhile little Po’Pete over here has no student loans, no car note payments, no child support payments. Other than paying for health insurance, his phone bill, credit card bill, little Po’Pete isn’t stressing about money. THAT is what I call financial freedom. Before anybody says “mo money, mo problems fo Po’Pete” it’s all about how you budget and handle your money at the end of the day. So even if Pete ends up making a lot more money than he does now changing his name from little Po’Pete to Po-Nomo’Pete he’s still not having the same issues as those who may be in his tax bracket because he’s not as irresponsible as they may be.
Why Be for Billionaires.
- Visual testament of hard work paying off (not all).
- Are able to help out others less fortunate with their money and resources they can help jumpstart/create because of their money (not all).
Why Be Anti-Billionaire.
- Majority of them are trash.
- Trickle down economics is a lie so billionaires buying shit from poor people (people not billionaires) will not make those poor people wealthier.
- You’re jealous of other people’s success.
- You’re a loser.
Why “We” Hate Billionaires.
“We” don’t hate billionaires. You do. The hard work it took some of them to do to get to the level they’re at makes you feel inadequate because you’re lazy and insecure. Instead of looking at them and saying “that could be me” you say “that isn’t me. So everyone who isn’t as miserable as I am and wallowing in self-inflicted depression should be torn down so I can feel like a winner causing the destruction of someone else’s life because I am a loser.”
I know that’s not everyone who is anti-billionaire. As I stated before, I agree with those who are anti-billionaire because of the harm billionaires do to the economy and the lies they continue to spread amongst other corrupt acts. But I call a spade a spade. Yes the majority of billionaires are trash, but so are you. Every time I ask someone would they be okay with people telling them they didn’t deserve their money they worked hard for or they are horrible people simply because they make a lot of money doing something they are passionate about I either get no response at all from the individual or someone half-ass admitting they are just jealous or they do have aspirations of becoming very wealthy some day. To the people who do the half-assing, why jump on a train you know isn’t safe or is going to the destination of your liking? Because you see a lot of other losers on that train. How many times do I have to say this. Just because more people are doing something doesn’t make it right. Just like how there are seemingly more greedy billionaires than they are good people who happen to be billionaires. That does not mean we should punish all billionaires/financially wealthy folks because of the bad apples. You don’t destroy and outlaw all apples because of bad apples. You throw the bad apples away, keep the good ones and you plant the seeds for the possibility of more good apples to grow. That new apple could be you, but that will never happen if you don’t see yourself as more than just a worm sucking the life out of apples and not growing. Being slimy and disgusting to look at and touch. Do you really want to be that type of specimen your entire life?