After Policing.

FKA ES Writer
7 min readJul 1, 2020


We asked for REAL police reform. They told us they’ll make every cops wear body cams. We responded back “what if they turn off the body cam?” They responded back “dashboard cams will always be on and every camera gets turned in and reviewed at the end of every officer’s shift.” Once the body cam plan proved to be ineffective as many of us said it would be, we sat and waited for the police to make a statement but all we got in return was crickets. Crickets and creased black leather boots crushing our necks and spines.

Why have hero’s who won’t protect everyone? What sane individual will be okay with aiding in paying the salaries of paid murderers who are really there to protect the ruling class and to keep systematic racism alive via extermination or incarceration? I’m certainly not okay with my taxes paying for my killer’s vacation when he/she gets paid leave for killing me. God forbid that’s not a prophecy. I’m just as irate about my money going to the murderers of other innocent/unarmed black and non-black people as well. Over the last 30 years cities across the United States have raised budgets toward law enforcement. The U.S. collectively spends $100 Billion (million with a B and more 0’s) on police departments despite the decline of crime within the last 3 decades. That’s not to argue that we don’t need a protective force from grave danger. Key words “grave danger.” As long as there are mass shooters and other terrorist, there should be a task force in charge of handling those situations. NOT situations of white women feeling threatened by the sight of a black person. People passed out drunk in their car’s in parking lots shouldn’t have roided up men with guns and emotionally unstable women with guns running up on them to “save the day.” That’s what Uber/Lyft are for. Let’s not forget the origin of the police force. They were slave catchers. When slavery was legal it was their job to find runaway slaves, and like today there were “innocent” (free’d black men and women) who were killed and captured by these slave catchers and brought into slavery (prison). History re-animates itself when we don’t make a change and learn from the past. Shape it however you want to shape it. Hire as many cops of color as you want, the evil spirit that consumes the police force will always be there and that’s why the same practices in 1838 are still being done in 2020. Modifying the body will not change the spirit, but we can change the spirit with new intentions and that’s the world I want to see for the future. A world after policing. Here’s how.

Unarmed Mediation (Counselors/Social Workers).

This is real and it works. Groups like “Cure Violence” are living proof of that. They’ve been preventing crimes in communities for over 20 years. There’s also feminist groups aimed at the protection of women in neighborhoods, check out the “Feminist Models” such as “Sista II Sista” out in Bushwick, NY.

Decriminalize ALL Non-violent “Crimes.” (Drug/Alcohol Counselors/Social Workers)

Still looking for someone to rationalize sending someone to jail/prison for having a drug addiction. I’m not looking to have my mind changed, I’m looking because I like to know who the sheep are. Whether you want to admit it or not no one should be punished for having a drug or alcohol addiction. As annoying as crackheads and winos are, they deserve help, not harm. How about we take some of that $100 billion dollars and put that toward more re-habilitation centers actually meant for rehabilitation and not cage people for very cheap labor on the tax-payers dollar. “But what about drunk drivers?” If they’ve killed or harmed a life other than their own, they still need help… and tough love. a loss of license, and permanent AA-meetings. To “house” them with murders and rapist makes zero sense unless they keep killing people because of their additions which will then make them a murder, which will then make sense to “house” them with other murderers. “How about drug dealers?” Economic resources and opportunities. There. Don’t restrict the ability to make a living for people and they won’t resort to exploiting the addictions of others in order to make money.

Restorative Justice/Transformative Justice (Communityism, yes I made that up).

Before I get into restorative justice we must understand that this method will only work when communities are actually strong and functioning as a community in every meaning of the word. Restorative/transformative justice is when communities create a space to hold offenders accountable while planning of transformation are being made. Now you see why this could only work when a community is tight knit? it might seem like some “hippie nonsense” to you, but love is healing and you cannot heal without love. You can love thy neighbor and still hold them accountable and punish them for their wrong doings. Love does not always mean hugs and kisses. There are ways we can love one another without sending in a punkass paid killer to murder them and terrorize the rest of the neighborhood. Indigenous communities function this way, just incase you think the ideas I’m presenting are floating pies in the sky.

Living Together With A Purpose.

You have a community full of people who have a specific purpose in the community, you’ll have healthier communication amongst those living in the community. In my experience, you give people a purpose to live, they’ll want to live right.


Gangs is positive, my nigga! -Lamar Davis, GTA V.

In all seriousness, do you know the Crips started off as a neighborhood watch/protection group who protected their neighborhoods from outside threats (the police included). That’s the origin of many gangs in America, before infighting greed and CIA infiltration ravished the hoods. Still, all of that is no reason why people of color cannot do better and be better in their communities. Why we can’t be safe (or some distorted variation of safe) without an outsider with a badge coming in to eliminate “the threat” while threatening other lives within the community as well to “set an example.” I’m not saying one has to be in a gang/group in order to protect our neighborhoods, because what’s more important to me is having people of these neighborhoods protecting and keeping the peace in these neighborhoods. Before you bring up hiring more black and brown cops, eww, them mothafuckas are the worst and that’s not changing shit. History clearly shows hiring more people of color and then turning them to one color (blue) did not improve race relations between the police departments of America and Americans of color, eww. Sounds gross saying that, but points need to be made. I was talking to a black cop last month and he said to me that he became a police officer because the police force needed more people like him, from the hood and would be able to relate to the people in the the hood. All of that sounds nice, but he didn’t need to become a cop to do all of that, which is the point a lot of us have been making for years. Why have policing when there are actually people who are in these neighborhoods all over America who want to be real mediators to problems that arise. he then tells me that Derek Chauvin was scared of this big and tall man (George Floyd) and the other cops were scared of Chauvin. “The problem is fear” he said. Ol Boy had no idea who he was “educating.” We later found out that “fear” was NOT the driving force behind Chauvin murdering George Floyd. Chauvin and Floyd used to be co-workers and they were far from work buddies. Derek Chauvin was not scared of George Floyd, he had a personal vendetta against George Floyd and used his power as a cop to enact the murder against someone he disliked. There’s no excusing that at all, and the cop I spoke to didn’t have anything else to say about that other than he would’ve stopped Chauvin because “I’m not afraid of anybody. Cop or not.” You know a cop is defensive when they puff their chest out and talk about “not being afraid” while getting ready to write “I feared for my safety” on the incident report, so I left the conversation there. The point is this brother has good intentions on why he became a police officer. He wants to be the one to go into these hoods and make sure shit doesn’t get out of hand. I’m sure there are other black and POC who feel the same way this man does. Not everyone of them becomes a cop and work for an organization rooted in ill-mannered interactions with the poor people. Myself and other minority groups can attest to cops of our nationality being harder on us because they have a system of white supremacy to appease to. Bundle that with the self-hate these cops of color might have, how can you sit there and argue that hiring these sellouts is what’s going to make things “fairer” for black folks and other non-white folks?

Times Are Changing.

I’m a very spiritual person who listens to the professional spiritualist. They all speak of this shift that is happening and drastic changes being made in the world. It is time for everyone to leave the lower vibrations from the world we once knew and elevate. I chose to ascend. How about you?



FKA ES Writer
FKA ES Writer

Written by FKA ES Writer

Author, creative writer, intuitive tarot reader, intuitive thinker.

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