5 Problems with Social Media.
Day 1 of the writers challenge. LET’S GO!
I perfectly hand crafted this list because I wanted to place my top 5 issues with social media in order from the least problematic to the most. Needless to say, this is my opinion, but people the weirdos are going to feel however they feel so I said it anyways.
5) Misunderstand of feelings and intent.
I’m not surprised at the amount of people who don’t know or can’t detect sarcasm. What does bother me is when people do realize they’ve made a mistake by assuming one’s feelings or intentions, they don’t fess up to the realization. They continue being loud and wrong, which is why I ranked number 4 the placement where it’s at. I understand a lot of social media platforms are not like Rizzle. A platform where there is face to face interactions with people so it’s very hard to misunderstand feelings and intent, which is why I don’t necessarily blame the individual who is on Twitter and misunderstands someone’s feelings. Just admit when you are wrong as you likely would do had you made that mistake in person.
4) The “I’M ALWAYS RIGHT!” Mentality.
I thought about this one and how it’s not number one on my list. It’s not number one because at the end of the day, the person getting hurt by this immature state of mind is the individual who can never publicly admit to being wrong. Still toxic enough to make my list even at the number 4 spot because nobody likes a “know it all” or condescending folks, and that’s coming from someone who is admittedly condescending at times. The internet’s way of “admitting fault” is remaining silent when the facts show that they are wrong. I’m not saying publicly admitting to being wrong is the only way one should show sorry or admit to fault, but what people do when they “silently apologize” is they continue the toxicity and pretty much ignore the facts because the facts doesn’t back what they are saying and they are “always right.”
3) Catfishing.
This is number 3 on the list because if you’re still getting catfished in 2020, you’re ass, my nigga! *insert laughing face emoji* Maybe I’m speaking from a place of privilege when I say that, but I think we all are capable of following our gut instinct no matter our economic background. Some people, that brain power just isn’t there. Common sense isn’t so common. I know and understand all of this. These are not the reasons why catfishing is on this list, but they are the reasons why it’s not of high importance. The real problem of catfishing is the individuals who do the catfishing. The lying, the deception, the bitchassness. Maybe people who catfish are ashamed of themselves and feel the need to live the life of someone else because of the shame. Maybe they’re trying to get someone “caught up” in a prank or a revenge plot. Whatever the reason is, no one can convince me that the other person deserved to be catfished. The only reason I would entertain is if that person initially catfished the catfish and the catfished retaliated with their own catfish, but even then my response would be “just beat the bitches ass and move on with your life.”
2) Fake Persona’s.
Different from catfishing because these aren’t people pretending to be other people, physically/visually. These are people who still have themselves as profile pictures and are visibly “real” individuals. The type of individual they are portraying is what’s fake. Pretending to be a “tough guy” when they are weak as fuck. Pretending to be a freak when they are prude as fuck. Pretending to be perfect when they are heavily flawed (no surprise these people tend to be “always right” as well). Why this is number 2 because we’ve seen deaths, jail sentencing’s and other out of pocket things go down because people couldn’t keep it 100 about who they really are on social media. This stuff could have real life consequences, all for what? For a bunch of other insecure people to like you? We’re all wack to someone. We’re all cool to someone. If someone doesn’t fuck with you because they don’t like your genuinity, that’s their problem. Not yours. Don’t conform because the people or person you want to impress is a lame themselves. You should only change if you’re weird in an off-putting/creepy vibes type of way. Get help.
1) The Misinformation.
This is number one on the list because this shit is dangerous. The amount of lies and “alternative facts” people spread on Al Gore’s internet is ridiculously out of hand, once again DANGEROUS! The internet WAS supposed to a place where we’d get the correct info. The info our governments weren’t telling us. This isn’t just some shocking revelation. None of these problems are. I’m just disgusted at the amount of lies and cynicism on Al Horford’s internet. People will make up stats that thousands of minds follow. People will purposely leave out important qualifies when it comes to whatever they are sharing because those facts do not support the narrative they are trying to push. I think individuals who do this are sick in the head, seriously. I know I’ve included some humor in this post, but that’s how I role. I seriously find this problem to be the biggest problem on Big Gay Al’s internet. I have yet to get a response from the individuals who do this. My question is simple. “Why?” Why do you do this? Why do intentionally lie to people about facts and reality? I know why they do what they do, but I also like to see how people react when their back’s against the wall. Whether I got an honest response or not I’ll keep moving forward and you should too. Just be mindful of the bullshit on the internet and the other issues as well.