$300,000 Poor Folks.
“Dave Chapelle didn’t kill affordable housing. Concerned residents and a responding village council “killed” a half-baked plan which never actually offered affordable housing” -Carla Sims.
Take that statement with a grain of salt because it was said by Dave Chapelle’s spokes person. Whether Dave hates the “poor” or not is not what this piece is about, nor do I care how he truly feels about us because it’s not going to make me richer or poorer. What blew me (and not in a good way, gigitty)about this supposed $300.000 “affordable” housing was that someone making 300K a year would be eligible for “affordable” housing in Yellow Teeth Ohio. I knew the wealthy lived in a different world despite being on the same planet but damn, I’m still in shock that the thoughts I once thought were figments of imagination are actually real. It’s like discovering astrology is real, but not as gratifying. I shouldn’t trip. It’s capitalism. There ALWAYS has to be a “poor” class in the game of capitalism. It’s just wild that poor to the ultra-wealthy is $300.000. Can I hold a dollar? Perhaps 300,000 of them?
Help the author make $300,000 a year so he can pay his $5,000 rent. by hitting any of the links.
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